From Illness To Health In 23 Steps

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV What makes a sick person different from a healthy person, and how can people move from one side of the health equation to the other? This is truly a spiritual and temporal transformation encompassing every aspect of life. I have noticed that healthy people have a low tolerance for unhealthy things,

The Healing Repertoire Of Homeopathy

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV The original idea of homeopathy, which is curing with ‘similars’ — ‘likes cure likes’ — dates back to Hippocrates in the Fourth Century BC. He believed there were two possible ways to cure people, by contraries, or similars. ‘Allopathy’ has followed the way of the contraries through the centuries, while homeopathy

Ruta: The Great First-Aid Remedy

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV  Ruta graveolens is one of my favourite remedies and creams, because when I need it, it doesn’t disappoint me. I actually had a call to use it recently after twisting my waist too hard in my Latin American dance class. I endured the pain for about a day and then I decided

How To Take Homeopathic Remedies

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV There are as many opinions on the subject of ‘how to take homeopathic remedies’ as there are homeopaths. Understanding homeopathic posology, or the part of medicine concerned with dosage, is not easy. It really takes years of practice to get a feeling for it. The goal of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD,

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