Music Heals

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Q: I’ve been reading, also watching video clips, on how music can heal, or the healing power of music.  I’d appreciate it if you’d separate the chaff from the grain, or the beat from the raga, as it were, and help me get a better perspective, also understanding, on the exciting

Asthma: Fix The Gasp

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Asthma comes from the Greek word, aazein, which means, “to exhale with open mouth; to gasp.” It is this typical feeling in asthma that makes its ‘victims’ run out of breath. Literally. Asthma is a psychosomatic disorder — it is triggered by allergens [allergy-causing substances], dysfunctional relationships and emotional, or psychological,

Look Beyond The ‘Myst’

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Mysticism is, essentially, a practice — with a host of meanings. There are as many frames to mysticism as there are leaves on the mulberry tree. Mysticism is also aesthetics. It is practical science, its expression from a classic transcendental point. This explains why the transcendental has often been referred to

Tao Of Mindfulness

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR We all go through life like waves over matter, or slow, measured upsurges — a form of precise, or inventive, transformation. This is part of our time and space continuum. It defines us and contextualises our existence — of who we are, as self-regulating, independent entities, with each of us being

It’s All In Your Genes

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR We all know that prevention of cancer is top priority — not just for individuals, but also from doctors’ point-of-view. To understand the idea, we need to first begin with how cancer probably starts, or originates. As we all know, molecular biology — which provides us with certain early-cancer clues —

The Goleman Mantra

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Dr Daniel Dr Goleman, PhD, the noted psychologist and best-selling author, pioneered the concept of emotional intelligence [EI]. This bid fair to his ground-breaking book, by the same name. It was followed by his yet another landmark tome, Working with Emotional Intelligence. It set out a framework of EI that reflects

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