First-Aid Made Simple: Part-1

First-Aid in Homeopathy

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH 

We all fall ‘victim’ to a variety of injuries and accidents at some time in our life, and we have to act quickly and effectively to deal with the bumps, bruises, stings, burns and a myriad of other ailments that result.

Fortunately, homeopathy, a holistic system of medicine, founded by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, in the 1890s, gives us the power to act quickly and safely.

Prompt homeopathic treatment in the early stages of accidents and injuries will also help us avoid undue suffering and serious disability.

When used in acute accident and injury situations, homeopathy is a relatively simple system to master. If followed correctly, lay persons can use it safely and efficiently. In all instances, anything complex, or alarming, should be addressed by a trained homeopath, or the emergency clinic at the nearest hospital.

Homeopathy is predicated on the understanding that ‘like cures like,’ i.e., that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can, likewise, eradicate those same symptoms in a person who is ill. By matching the symptom-picture of an ill-person with a similar symptom-picture, which is known to exist in one of the thousands of remedies in the homeopathic Materia Medica, the acute situation can be addressed and negated.

The following describes a host of the first-aid situations that can be addressed with homeopathy. They are divided into two parts.

This piece is Part One. It highlights the homeopathic remedies that can be used for —

  • Injuries, bumps, bruises, and fractures
  • Cuts, lacerations, tears, wounds, and splinters
  • Sprains and strains
  • Stings
  • Burns.

Part Two [to be published November 21, 2021] will focus on the remedies that can be of benefit when used externally in tincture form — for a variety of first-aid issues.

The remedies described should be used in the 6C, 30C, or 200C potencies and used one at a time. I generally recommend that a 6C remedy be given and repeated at every two-hour intervals, always stopping on improvement, and waiting to see how the ailment responds. A 30C follows the same guidelines and can be repeated at 3-4 hour intervals, and the 200C can be given once, or twice, a week, on a given day. Remedies should be stopped when relief is obtained. If there is no relief, the case should be retaken by a more vigilant study of the symptoms.

The key to success in homeopathy is to carefully observe the symptoms of the patient, so that they can be matched with the symptom-picture of the homeopathic remedy. 

Part One 

Injuries, bumps, bruises, fractures, etc. —  Arnica montana, Bellis perennis, Symphytum officinale, Calcarea Phosphorica

Arnica Montana [Leopard’s bane; wolf’s bane]

Arnica montana has an affinity for soft tissue and is used for any injury where there is bruising, especially bruising where the bruise has not yet discoloured. The remedy has a great sensitivity to touch and jarring and there is a sore, bruised feeling. It is invaluable in the treatment of dislocated joints, head injuries, and in blunt trauma to the eye.

Bellis Perennis [Daisy] 

Bellis perennis is like a deep acting Arnica and follows it well if bruises remain after its administration. It is preferred where bruises have already discoloured. 

Symphytum Officinale [Comfrey; knitbone]

Symphytum officinale is used for non-union of fractures, injury to the periosteum [covering of bones] and traumatic injury to the eye. The remedy works quickly. With respect to broken bones, the bone must be set properly, or it will heal out of place. 

Calcarea Phosphorica [Calcium Phosphate]

Calcarea phosphorica similarly promotes the union of bones.

Cuts, Laceration, Tears, Wounds, Splinters 

Hypericum perforatum, Ledum palustre, Calendula officinalis, Thiosinaminum, and Staphysagria macrosperma. 

Hypericum Perforatum [St John’s wort] 

Hypericum perforatum has a special affinity for the nerves of the fingers, toes, spine, coccyx and areas with sentient nerves. It is, therefore, of value in treating injuries, viz., lacerated or inflamed nerves, injuries to the spinal cord and brain, eyes, fingers, toes, and coccyx.

Ledum Palustre [Marsh tea]

Ledum palustre is used for puncture wounds, such as those caused by stings, bites, nails and splinters. The wound may be cold to the touch and bluish. 

Calendula Officinalis [Marigold]

Calendula officinalis is useful for open wounds and parts that won’t heal. It also indicated for scratched cornea, torn ligaments and ruptured eardrum. 

Thiosinaminum [Oil of mustard seed] 

Thiosinaminum is well indicated for a torn ligament in the shoulder. 

Staphysagria Macrosperma [Stavesacre]

Staphysagria macrosperma is a good remedy for incised wounds — injuries caused, or created, by sharp-cutting instruments. 

Sprains and Strains 

Rhus Toxicodendron, Ruta graveolens, and Bryonia alba. 

Rhus Toxicodendron [Poison ivy]

Rhus Toxicodendron has an affinity for fibrous tissue, joints, and ligaments and is, therefore, effective in treating injuries, such as sprains and strains. Its keynote is stiffness on first motion, improvement on continued motion and worse on excessive motion. 

Ruta Graveolens [Common rue]

Ruta graveolens has an affinity for flexor tendons, joints, wrists, ankles, and connective tissue. It is most useful in treating carpal tunnel syndrome [due to constant computer keyboard/mouse use] and injuries to tendons and ligaments. It can be used for deep-seated injuries affecting the periosteum and bones and is also helpful in eye strain. 

Bryonia Alba [Wild hops]

Nicknamed ‘grumpy bear,’ the remedy’s keynote is worse on least motion and better for pressure and lying on the painful part. Any injury where the symptoms are aggravated even by the slightest of movements point to the remedy. 


Apis mellifica, Urtica urens, and Carbolic acid. 

Apis Mellifica [Honey bee] 

Apis mellifica matches the symptoms of an insect sting with its ‘stinging,’ burning, prickling, and smarting pains. There is oedematous swelling and thirstlessness. The remedy is also useful in anaphylactic reactions caused by bites, stings and foods.

Urtica Urens [Stinging nettle]

Urtica urens is quite specific for bee stings; it may also be used in snake bites. Pains are stinging, or stinging-burning.

Carbolic Acid [Carbolic acid]

This remedy is important in anaphylactic reactions that come from food, bites, and bee stings.


Cantharis, Causticum, and Urtica urens.

Cantharis [Spanish fly]

Cantharis is useful in burns with its stinging and biting pains and in preventing the formation of blisters. It is appropriate for use in first-degree burns and sunburn and also in burns and scalds of the mouth and oesophagus.

Causticum [Hahnemann’s Tinctura acris sine Kali]

Causticum is effective in second-degree burns.

Urtica Urens [Stinging nettle]

Urtica urens is helpful in serious burns with burning and itching.

[To read Part-2, go to:]

Dr BARBARA ETCOVITCH is a Classical Homeopath, Interfaith Minister, freelance writer, and lecturer. She has a BA from Sir George Williams University, a MA in Literature from the University of Ottawa, Canada, and a Diploma in Classical Homeopathy from the School of Homeopathy, Devon, England. She was ordained by the All Faiths Seminary International in New York City in 2004. She has been in homeopathic practice for 30+ years treating human and animals alike, from her office in Montreal, Canada, and worldwide via Skype.

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