Vata Unplugged

Words: Drs Prasanna BHALERAO, Amolsingh CHAUHAN & Yogendra M KASAT

Ayurveda considers srotas as body channels essential for our normal physiology. In pathological conditions, the obstruction of the srotas plays an important role. Nidana [causative factors] leads to vitiation of doshas that get accumulated in the srotas, followed by dosha dushti. This results in the manifestation of disease. According to Ayurveda, there are several factors responsible for srotodushti including obstruction by vata. Vata kopa, anubandha, gata vata and avarana result in many symptoms with different aetio-pathogenic mechanisms. We describe avarana as obstruction in body channels associated with vitiation of vata and dhatu kshaya.


Avarana — the pathologies involving vata dosha, or the route for the pathogenesis of several diseases — primarily relates with the obstruction in normal gati of vata. The general concept of avarana is that the predominant dosha, after vitiation, affects other doshas which are weak in nature. This also hampers its gati. Normally, vata prakara helps to carry various functions properly, but when it gets vitiated, in its path, it impedes gati causing avarana.

Avarana involves two important aspects — one, which is obstructed, and two, which obstructs other elements. The obstructed factor is termed as avruta; the other factor that obstructs the flow of the first factor is described as avaraka. The vata comes under the group of avruta factor, due to its ability to flow independently, while avaraka can be other elements, including dosha and mala, which may obstruct avruta.


According to dosha, there are two types of avarana, viz., —

  1. Samanyaja avarana
  2. Nanatmaja avarana.

According to nidana-samprapti, there are four types of avarana

  1. Kevala
  2. Avaranajanya
  3. Samshrishta
  4. Dhaatukshayajanya.

Avarana Of Vata

  • Obstruction of vata movement due to kapha, pitta, dhatu, malas, etc.


  • Sub-types of vata get obstructed by the other vata.

Other Types Of Avarana

In Ayurveda, there are different types of avarana associated with doshas. Some common types include vata avarana, pitta avarana, kapha avarana and srotorodha. 

Vata Avarana

This affects vata dosha, which governs the movements in the body. Vata avarana can lead to constipation, bloating, gas, dryness, joint pain, etc.

Pitta Avarana

Pitta dosha is affected in this type of avarana. Symptoms may include acidity, inflammation, heartburn, liver congestion, skin rashes, etc.

Kapha Avarana

Kapha dosha is impacted by this type of blockage with symptoms of congestion, weight gain, sluggishness, excessive mucous production, lethargy, etc.


This refers to the obstruction of the body’s channels — this can affect the flow of vital substances.

Samprapti Of Avarana:

Vata possesses chala quality responsible for gati. It can, therefore, be obstructed by any factor — this results in various diseases. Avarana can be produced by various vruddhi, or kshaya, of various types of dhatu. Kapha is heavier than pitta vata can obstruct vata and pitta. Similarly, pitta — being heavier than vata since it possesses drava guna — can obstruct vata which is lighter than pitta. It is clear that vata is the only dosha that is obstructed by other factors. It can also be obstructed by different varieties of vata moving in different directions.

Symptoms Of Avarana Vata

There are various types of avarana vata. They may present with varied symptoms —

  • Pranavruta vyanavata includes loss of sensory functions and diminished strength
  • Vyanavruta pranavata includes sweating, skin problems and numbness
  • Pranavruta samanavata includes difficulty in speech and slurring of speech
  • Samanavruta apanavata includes colicky pain.
  • Pranavruta udanavata includes head stiffness, obstruction in respiration, dryness in mouth, rhinitis, etc.


Medicaments with anabhishyandi and snigdha properties should be used to cleanse the srotas. They facilitate the movement of vata, owing to their vatanulomana properties. Udana vata which is responsible for upward movement should be directed upwards. Apana vata responsible for descending movement should be directed downwards.

Shilajeet and guggulu can be administered. Chyavanprasha and abhayaamalaki rasayana are also recommended for their rejuvenating properties to combat against diminished state of dhatu associated with avarana.

Panchakarma Therapies Recommended For Avarana

  • Panchakarma should be based on the specific obstruction and doshic Kapha obstructing vata should be treated first to alleviate the kapha obstruction
  • Vyana avruta prana can be treated with snehayukta virechana. Prana avruta vyana can be treated with Prana avruta samana can be treated with yapana basti. Udana avruta apana can be treated with basti.


Avarana plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of various diseases, according to Ayurveda principles. It involves the obstruction of normal vata movements, leading to the vitiation of other doshas causing various ailments. Avarana, also referred to as gatinirodha, involves vitiation of vata dosha, leading to the obstruction of other doshas.

Ayurveda describes various types of avarana, based on avruta and avaraka. The obstructions hinder the normal gati of vata.

Panchakarma therapies are recommended for treating avarana. Kapha obstructing vata can be treated first to alleviate the kapha obstruction. Vyana avruta prana can be treated with snehayukta virechana. Prana avruta vyana can be treated with nasya. Prana avruta samana can be treated with yapana basti and udana avruta apana can be treated with basti.

Dr PRASANNA BHALERAO, BAMS, MD [Ayurveda], is Assistant Professor, Rog Nidan Department; Dr AMOLSINGH CHAUHAN, BAMS, MD [Ayurveda], is Assistant Professor, Balrog Department & Dr YOGENDRA M KASAT, BAMS, MD [Ayurveda], is Professor, Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana Department, Chaitanya Ayurveda Mahavidya, Sakegaon, Bhusawal, Maharashtra, India. This article was first published [Classification, Causes, Pathogenesis and Ayurveda Management of Avarana] in Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, December 2023; 8[4]: 4-6, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 [Subject Photo: Courtesy: Virutcham Clinic].

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