Supplement Well

Words: Dr Loredana ORTIZ

Picture this. Even if you are eating an ideal diet and have access to the best, freshest organic produce, including legumes and whole grains on the living planet, there are still some nutrients that are essential to you that you are going to have a hard time getting.

As we age, the body has a tough time absorbing certain nutrients, or producing certain nutrients, that at a younger age were readily available to manufacture within us. Also, when we age we seem to need certain select supplements more than, perhaps, a decade, or two, ago.

Here goes — the basic structure of a vitamin-mineral ‘cocktail’ that anyone should be taking, daily, as a preventative measure, is as follows:

  • Vitamin C, 500-1,000mg
  • Vitamin E, 200mg
  • Selenium, 200mcg, of organic yeast bound formula, to be taken with food, preferably with a healthy fat, such as avocado, or olive oil, in a meal
  • Mixed carotenoids, 5,000IU
  • Folic acid, 400mcg
  • Vitamin D, 1,000IU
  • Calcium citrate, 800-1,200mg [400-800, for men]
  • Magnesium glycinate, 300-400mg
  • Coenzyme Q10,100-200mg.

It is also important to note that oily fish should be consumed at least twice a week. If this is not happening, for whatever reason, it is important that supplemental fish oil [or, flaxseed in powder form: 1-2tbsp] should be taken in capsule, or liquid form, 1-2gm per day. Dr Andrew Weil, MD, recommends freezing the oil to avoid the typical belching associated with supplemental fish oil.

Trust Nature

Turmeric is another great supplement — it is best absorbed when taken with a tad of black pepper — that everyone should take [except, of course, those that suffer from gallstone]. Turmeric is a true all-round preventative herb — there are several ailments that it helps with and also prevents. One company also produces a soft-gel turmeric supplement [I have been taking one soft-gel a day {400mg} for the last few years] that I believe is essential for everyone, young and old alike. There are a host of health benefits with the ‘wonder’ herb, or nature’s aspirin — I will summarise its most important health benefits:

  • Fights breast cancer; anyone with a history of breast cancer in their families should supplement with turmeric
  • Helps to overcome viral infections
  • Helps with arthritis — joint pain and inflammation
  • Fights BPH [benign prostate hypertrophy]
  • Helps with gastrointestinal ailments
  • Beneficial in bronchial colds
  • Digestive aid
  • Stops a cut from bleeding, when applied topically
  • Helps with lupus symptoms
  • Helps with atopic dermatitis [eczema]
  • Helps with most infections.

Most importantly, turmeric, as an anti-aging supplement, has been shown to help not only the aches and pains of arthritis, but also prevent osteoporosis. Dr Joseph B Marion’s perceptive book, The Anti-Aging Manual, recommends turmeric as a healing supplement for age-related ailments, specifically bone-related problems.

Versatile Supplements

There are so many wonderful supplements out there that can be included in your daily routine. It is important to not become overwhelmed with them. If you are intending to introduce supplements into your daily regimen, please do not do so all at once; also, please do not take them all at once.

It is important that you are selective when taking supplements and, in addition to researching the product extensively, you should also research the company from which you are buying the supplements.

Here is a handy list of supplements suggested to be helpful for optimal health and well-being, including age-related disorders and symptoms. You are responsible for what you choose to take and how much of it you choose to take. Make sure you fine-tune them according to your own personal needs, preferably in consultation with your therapist.

  • Alpha-Lipoic-Acid [ALA]. A strong antioxidant, ALA helps with blood sugar balance and also liver function. It is useful for neuritis in diabetics
  • Carnosine. Carnosine has been proven to scavenge radical oxygen species [ROS] as well as alpha-beta unsaturated aldehydes, formed from peroxidation of cell membrane fatty acids during oxidative stress
  • Co-enzyme A. Supports the immune system, while detoxifying many dangerous toxic substances
  • Co-enzyme Q10. Helps with circulation
  • Dimethylglycine. Improves cellular oxygenation; for easy assimilation, use a sublingual formula
  • Glutathione. This supplement is a great choice because not only is it a free radical scavenger, but it also has been shown to be a mental and mood booster, or elevator. This supplement destroys ammonia, which interferes with brain function. Dose: 500mg, on an empty stomach
  • Inositol. Useful antioxidant
  • Liquid Kyolic. Cell protector
  • Zinc. Prevents premature aging. 50mg, daily
  • Grape seed extract. Free radical scavenger
  • Taurine. Building block for amino acids; improves white blood cell [WBC] function
  • Vitamin B-complex. Helps with the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Helps fight depression. Needed for healthy red blood cells [RBCs].

Most important. Please check with your therapist for ‘customised’ optimal dosages.

Dr LOREDANA ORTIZ, ND, who also has certifications in Health and Health Policy, is writer with a ken for detail. She lives and practices natural medicine and wellness in the US.

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