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Of Allergies & Acid Reflux

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR

YK, a 29-year-old accounts manager, was troubled by allergies since age nine. This used get worse in summer. His key symptom was frequent, violent, erratic sneezing, with watery discharge. He could never think of doing away with his tissue paper and handkerchief. The skin under his nose was sore, also red. His eyes were itchy, dry, and irritating. His nose was stuffy, indoors, or out. His forehead was tickly too. He complained of a sweaty head, which ‘spoiled,’ as he put it, his pillow at night. He often found himself too exhausted too. His other issues were anxiety and distress.

He was prescribed Sabadilla officinale 30C, a homeopathic remedy made from Mexican grass. The remedy is helpful for spasmodic sneezing, nasal congestion, itching inside the nose, copious watery nasal discharge and a sweaty head. The sneezing and itching were calmed down within a month’s time. He experienced a mild swelling of the nasal passages, with return of 2-3 of his annoying symptoms, which eased just as quickly.


JS [34] was one of my ‘old’ patients. Her breakfast was a breeze with fast-food. She was usually glued to TV, while eating her quick bite, just before she rushed off to work.

She was prone to nasal allergies and took anti-histamine pills to keeping the nosey annoyance at bay. When her nose was often stuffed, she ‘pumped’ a hormonal nasal spray to getting relief. The result was her immune and endocrine systems are understimulated.

When she returned home from, she used to be exhausted and in a dreary spell. What’s more, the moment she would develop a mild fever, she popped a pill, or aspirin, which provided her quick relief, while affecting her stomach. What JS actually accomplished, during the course of the day, was she would not allow her body to fight bacteria, or viruses. She also ‘pushed’ her mind far too much to coping with her daily stresses.

She was simply not willing to taking the initiative to using her mindful resources — the strength to break the barrier, or the nasty cycle. Her body was also not always in a state of preparedness to beating her nosey distress, but what also has hampered her immunity was overmedication.

Things began to change favourably when I prescribed her the supplement, quercetin, 500mg — the ‘queen of allergic remedies’ — along with zinc methionine, 45mg and vitamin C, 1,000mg, daily. In other words, it did not take long for her to beating her allergic distress with quercetin — nature’s own bioflavonoid.


Thirty-eight-year-old VB presented with acid reflux, which was troubling her for three years. She was on conventional treatment. She was just tired of continued medications. She visited us looking for a long-lasting, workable solution.

During case-analysis VB reported that she had restive nights because of the reflux. There was extreme burning in the chest and she had to take ice cold water to relieve it. There was also, she said, a constant sensation to puking. She often resorted to self-inducing, or pushing, the vomiting urge to throwing it out. She was fond of sour things, but she avoided them out of fear of aggravating her acidity. She also loved ice-cream.

VB was a diabetic. She also had high blood pressure, for which she was on conventional treatment. A happy-go-lucky type by nature, she reported that she was distressed with her chronic sleeplessness.

After a detailed case-analysis I prescribed her the homeopathic remedy, Phosphorus 6C, which corresponded suitably for her overall symptoms and also her personality type — along with two supplements, viz., pre- and probiotics, and melatonin, 3mg. I advised her to monitor her blood sugar and blood pressure levels regularly, while continuing to taking her conventional medications.

Her tired feeling, lack of sleep, among other symptoms, improved considerably after 3-4 months, following treatment. That she felt more relaxed and active helped her, no less, to easing her blood sugar and blood pressure to acceptable levels too.

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360.

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