‘Nothing Better Than Being A Homeopath’

Dr Swapna VEMULA responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire. 

Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor? 

Well, I was like all ‘wannabe’ kids of my generation. It’s but natural for me to dream and think of becoming a doctor, right from school days. I also had no other option in mind aside from a career in medicine.

What made you think of, study and specialise in the system of medicine you now practice? 

Homeopathy happened to me by chance. Getting admission into a homeopathic medical college of repute, in Karnataka, was also my good fortune. This happened because I got to know about the college from a good friend of mine who was studying there. I was impressed with the faculty, its credentials, and decided to enrol, pronto.

What has been your personal and professional experience as a doctor?  

I’ve been into homeopathic medical practice for over twenty years. I now realise I could do nothing better than being a homeopath. Homeopathy has a wide-ranging canvas, or kaleidoscope — it is this ‘never-ending’ element that provides for constant, continuing learning and healing. This gives me immense satisfaction at the end of the day. Nothing can also beat the smile and sense of gratitude on my patients’ face when they get well with my treatment. This motivates me to doing more for them in the best manner possible. The best part: I feel humbled, also blessed, to be making a positive difference in their lives.

What unique and special skills you think you have that has made the big difference for your patients? 

One skill that every doctor practicing alternative medicine needs is tons of patience. The fine art of listening, so to speak. When people, or patients, come to us with so much hope to finding a solution for their suffering and the doctor listens to them with ample patience and empathy, while understanding their suffering, it’s tantamount to half of the ‘battle’ being won. I think this fine skill — to being able to resonate with my patients’ feelings and lending them a willing ear and guiding them on their journey towards wellness — goes far beyond just prescribing medicines. This has made a big difference in my practice.

What is your best definition of optimal wellness and why? 

Optimal wellness, in my view, is a state when one feels physically active, mentally stable and emotionally joyful. This is also the raison d’être of homeopathic holistic treatment, along with lifestyle changes, and working on their physical, mental and emotional contexts, as a whole, and not as compartments, just as well.

Your ‘best’ case? 

My ‘best’ case was one among the many age-related arthritis cases that I have treated. An elderly lady was able to avoid knee replacement surgery with my treatment. Wow. I just can’t explain the great sense of satisfaction and sublime gratitude the lady exuded on her gentle face.

Your ‘not-so-good’ case? 

This was a case of infertility. My patient conceived with my treatment, but had to quickly abort as there were genetic defects in the foetus. Nature, we ought to believe, has a larger role to play beneath, beyond, and above science.

What appeals to you the most?

When parents choose, or opt, for alternative medicine for their children.

What annoys you the most? 

Nothing annoys me because every patient comes with hope. They may have their anxieties, or trepidations, so they may behave in a certain way, which may not always be polite, or correct, but there is always a reason behind it and room for us to learn therefrom — for a higher purpose that benefits them.

Your favourite book?  

Wings of Fire by A P J Abdul Kalam

Your favourite joke?  

Nothing in particular.

Your favourite song? 

Life Will Go On [Chris Isaak/Album: ‘Always Got Tonight’]

Your favourite movie? 


Your favourite TV, Netflix show? 

Family Man

Your other interests, or hobbies? 

Organic farming and learning sustainable ways of living.

Your goal in life? 

To make a difference to people/patients, I come in contact with, in whatever way I can.

Dr SWAPNA VEMULA, BHMS, has been into homeopathic medical practice at her private clinic, and on other offline/ online platforms, for over 20 years. She lives in Hyderabad, India.

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