IBS: Two Of A Kind

Words: Dr Narayan C DESHPANDE

Twenty-six-year-old NK suffered from inveterate diarrhoea, triggered possibly by anxiety and stress, at the workplace, also home. She’s being treated for amoebiasis at a local clinic with no real benefit.

I recommended a few lab tests and scan. There was nothing suggestive, or conclusive, from them.

I determined clinically that NK had irritable bowel syndrome [IBS] — on the basis of her symptoms, viz., frequent stools, excess gas and reduced appetite. She appeared to be visibly anxious, also depressed.

On case-analysis, I found that she had protein intolerance, with a propensity to be always apprehensive and stressed-out at work, or in anticipation of anything that bothered, or did not bother, her. It was apparent that she had anticipatory anxiety — before her presentations too. This would often lead to tummy distress, as she put it, and frequent visits to the washroom. What also disturbed her were ‘rumbling’ in the abdomen and noisy burps.

I put her on the homeopathic Argentum nitricum 30C, following in-depth remedy analysis. She reported tangible progress after 3-4 weeks. She also said that she could now endure foods that had upset her tummy before. She began to put on healthy weight, albeit she still reported of being tired at times. After 4-6 weeks of homeopathic treatment, she reported that she was able to eat almost everything, except milk and milk products, and be active and engaged, at work, without her usual trepidations. Her bowel movements too got ‘regulated’ — to just once, or twice, a day. It’s been over a year now, and NK is free of and from her complaints.


Twenty-eight-year-old SK presented with bloating and tummy ache, along with food sensitivities — all classical symptoms of IBS. He reported that his tummy issues had troubled him for 3-4 years. He also reported that his ‘alternate’ constipation and diarrhoea were just as annoying, what with a certain ‘edgy’ feeling deep inside his stomach — or, so he felt — alongside a little ‘griping’ pain before he passed stools.

He also said that his symptoms seemed, or appeared, to be better when he was at home, not office. He disliked going out with his colleagues, post-lunch, for a short stroll, because he’d not bear the heat of the sun — more so, when the weather was too warm. His pains, as I deduced, were a tad relieved by ‘bending double,’ or while applying pressure on the tummy. PK, a graphic designer with a local newspaper, also felt that his work output was declining as a result of his health issues.

I put him on the homeopathic remedy, Colocynthis 200C, based on his presenting and other symptoms. Following six months of homeopathic treatment, his bowel misery was a thing of the past.

NB: Most IBS patients are obsessed with their tummy. They keep a ‘record’ of the number of times they pass gas, or stools, during the day. Homeopathy relieves IBS, naturally. This is not all. It allows them to reclaim their self-confidence, or poise, and also to lead good, healthy, vibrant lives.

Dr NARAYAN C DESHPANDE, BSc, MD [Hom], was formerly Officiating Professor & HOD, A H Medical College, Bengaluru, Professor Emeritus, and former in-charge Principal, Government Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bengaluru, former PG Guide, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, former PG Examiner, Mangalore University, MGR University of Health Sciences, Chennai, Health University, Salem, and former Health Expert, Karnataka Public Service Commission, Bengaluru. A recipient of the prestigious Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Award for his 35+ years of commendable service to homeopathic education and alternative healthcare, Dr Deshpande lives in Bengaluru, India.

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