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Homeopathy For Health & Happiness

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER

Around age two-and-a-half, my youngest daughter began to make the unsolicited remark, “I am happy.” She has since proclaimed this almost daily — before breakfast in the morning, or in the middle of the afternoon, or sometimes before bedtime. She is one of those rare children [in America] who has never needed any medical treatment [in the conventional sense] in her life. My oldest daughter who is twenty-five has never needed an antibiotic, pain killer, or any other conventional medication. They are lucky to have been born into a homeopathic family.

Homeopathic treatment affects the whole person. Families treated with homeopathy seem to get sick less often.

Homeopathy can certainly treat for acute illnesses, such as cold and flus, however it also can eliminate the chronic disposition to becoming sick. This is done by treating the ‘constitution.’ Homeopathy has even been shown in studies to prevent disease.

For example, when a ‘virus’ goes around and many of the kids in school get sick, we can use a homeopathic ‘preventive’ remedy, either a generic, such as Oscillococcinum, or Influenzinum, or a ‘specific’ that matches the symptoms of the disease going around. Even after the first symptoms develop, homeopathy has been shown in clinical practice and scientific studies to prevent the progression of a cold, flu, headache, stomach ‘bug,’ and even more serious contagious diseases.

Many chronic disorders are unheard of in homeopathically-treated families for this reason. For example, childhood earaches can be prevented and/or reversed by constitutional treatment. Additionally, the typical chronic childhood ailments can be avoided, or prevented: diaper rash, itching and peeling rashes, strep throats, wheezing, hay fever/allergies/asthma, lack of concentration, rebelliousness, obstinacy, lack of/or disordered appetite, delayed development and excessive restlessness. In addition to treatment, with a little guidance, you can avoid many of the things that can trigger some of these disorders. By preventing these ailments, children tend to thrive and grow up happy, realising their true potential.


Once, a four-year-old girl was brought to my practice. She was screaming with pain and had brownish pus running from her ear. She had been diagnosed with her first ear infection at two weeks of age. She had been treated with multiple antibiotics, had three surgeries for insertion of three separate sets of ear tubes, and had her adenoids removed for the second time after they had ‘grown’ back. Yet, the ear infections returned at least once a month in spite of all the medical attention. She also had some developmental delays attributed to a mild form of cerebral palsy.

Four weeks after the first consultation, when she returned to my office, she was smiling. She had not had an ear infection and even her verbal skills seemed had improved. Over the next eight weeks no more ear infections developed, so treatment was discontinued. Several years later her mother brought her back because she still was wetting the bed. At that point the mother confirmed that the girl never had another ear infection again. This was confirmed again by her father five years after the original treatment when he was contacted and invited to present the case to a class of medical school students.


Another time a ten-year-old girl who had childhood asthma was seen for a consultation. She had been treated primarily with inhaled steroidal products. One day she suddenly developed seizures [petit mal] and was now advised to take anticonvulsant medication. Her mother brought her to homeopathic treatment instead, and over the next six months, the asthma disappeared, as well as the seizures. She was treated constitutionally for another two years and treatment was discontinued after a total of two-and-a-half years of treatment. During this time, neither the asthma nor the seizures returned.

I met the mother and daughter, now a young lady of eighteen, at a shopping mall five years later. They were happy to see me and had almost forgotten about the health problems. I asked how things were and they confirmed that she had been free from any health problems since the treatment. These and hundreds of other similar cases I have witnessed would seem to support the notion that homeopathy is a curative form of treatment in many chronic conditions, and that it restores one’s health to the point that treatment is no longer needed.

Children that grow up healthy can grow up happy. However, physical health is not the only area that homeopathic treatment affects. Emotional disorders are also relieved. Think of the children that have temper tantrums. We once went shopping with friends. Their child was sulky and irritable. He whined constantly and wanted this and that. His already exasperated mother spent the entire afternoon trying to control him while apologising for his behaviour. Finally, he literally threw himself on the floor and screamed at the top of his lungs.

I could no longer resist and asked the mother if I could give him a homeopathic remedy. She reluctantly agreed and I pulled a tiny vial from my pocket, opened it slowly, while the little ‘monster’ watched attentively, and asked him if he would like to taste it. To my surprise he agreed readily and I slipped a small pellet under his tongue. Still sitting on the floor of the store and surrounded by several store clerks including the manager, he closed his lips around the pellet and the curious expression on his face change into a broad smile.

“It’s sweet. It’s candy, mama.”

His mother later attributed his dramatic turnaround in mood to the fact that I gave him ‘candy.’

But, later, when the symptoms returned, she agreed to try it in a drop dose — a pellet diluted in a bottle of water — which really does not have a taste. The results were the same. The change in his behaviour quickly changed her mind about homeopathy. She has since consulted me for a breech presentation that was quickly resolved by a dose of a homeopathic remedy, and for several other health conditions.

Dr MANFRED MUELLER, MA, DHM, RSHom [NA], CCH, a homeopath of international repute, began his formal homeopathic studies in 1979. He opened his homeopathic practice in Durham, North Carolina, US, in 1986, where he practiced for 18 years, before moving to Southern California. Today, he travels extensively, taking appointments via telephone with clients across the globe. Apart from pioneering ‘The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy,’ Dr Mueller is also a generalist with special interests in oncology, cardiology, neurology, mercury and heavy metal chelation, hyper-sensitivities and allergies, aside from other complex chronic disorders. This article is ©Dr Manfred Mueller.

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