Herbs That Boost Immunity


It is a given that simple kitchen herbs destroy viruses and enhance your immunity. Our grandma knew it. Modern science and research has found that lavender and eucalyptus, for example, have good anti-viral properties.

Among other kitchen herbs that also pack the anti-viral punch are rosemary, lemon balm, hyssop, peppermint, and tea tree. Research has shown that lavender and lemon stimulate the production of infection-fighting white blood cells [WBCs], also called leucocytes.

It is evidenced that herbs frustrate bacteria responsible for infections of the throat, lungs, sinuses, ears, and eyes that often come close on the heels of a cold, or flu. So, the next time you find yourself marooned by a cold attack, or ’flu, make them a part of your home-care treatment plan.

This is not all. The aforementioned herbs help reduce your coughing bouts, they aid in digestion, and alleviate fever states by encouraging circulation and sweating.

It is, therefore, no surprise that tannin compounds found in herbs, such as white oak bark and bayberry destroy ’flu and other types of viruses. Reason enough why they have had a long tradition as cold and ‘flu remedies, which grandma used with good effect.

It’d also make good sense for anyone to eat one’s way to good health. All you need to do is just season your food with garlic, cinnamon, and black pepper. The herbs have it in them to eliminate viral and bacterial infections. 

Ginger & More

Ginger is another great kitchen remedy — it not only has anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties, it can go a long way in alleviating fever states, muscular soreness, and also a disturbed stomach.

How do you make a simple herbal concoction?

Just mix your cold and ‘flu herbs with virus-fighting apple or grape juice. Or, prepare your own ginger ale by adding hygienic bottled water to ginger tea. Drink the preparation a few times a day, or as many times you like — and, witness how you can drive the viral invader out of your system as quickly as any other conventional medication you’d think of. And, without any side-effects.

Echinacea is another great home remedy that has earned a huge reputation for itself as an immune-booster. Echinacea works by strengthening our immune apparatus. In so doing, it makes us less resistant to frequent infections. Studies suggest that echinacea increases T-cell [defence mechanism] activity to improve our overall immunity.

Herbalists recommend that it would make sense to take echinacea for a week, or two; and, thereafter take a well-planned herbal ‘holiday’ for about a week, or two. This holds good for other herbs in your home-medicine chest too — so far as effective dosages are concerned.

There is also yet another popular remedy — a natural anti-histamine — that can quickly help you to get relief from sinus congestion and dilate bronchial passages in cough, or bronchitis. It is quercetin.


Most herbal preparations are made from the whole herb. However, the herb is not without controversy — patients with thyroid problems, high blood pressure, or diabetes, or individuals, who take anti-depressants, are best advised to refrain from taking the herb and/or any of its preparations, including herbal formulas, that may contain ephedra-like substances without medical advice.


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