Haughtiness Unplugged


Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH

Homeopathy offers a unique insight into particular character traits exhibited by individuals; it also reveals details and dimensions not found in other forms of investigation. In the homeopathic approach, not only are the characteristics of the substance captured, but also its origins in the particular ‘kingdom,’ which it belongs to with its exclusive features as well. Let us delve into one illustration of this all-inclusive approach, while examining the trait of ‘haughtiness’ in homeopathic remedies, viz., Staphysagria macrosperma [plant], Lachesis muta [animal], and Palladium metallicum [mineral].

First things, first — the qualities that belong to each of the Kingdoms.

Plant Kingdom: Sensitivity

Members of the Plant Kingdom exhibit a basic sensitivity. As organisms that are rooted in soil and unable to move, plants, in order to survive, must be sensitive to changes in the external environment and be able to adapt to these changes since they do not have the ability, or protection, of movement. They are affected by many things and are always adjusting and adapting to something. They feel things intensely and are extremely descriptive.

Animal Kingdom: Attraction

We find the need to be attractive in behaviour and personality in the Animal Kingdom as it is the key to survival. Members of this Kingdom seek attention and feel the need to compete and win.

Mineral Kingdom: Structure and Organisation

Structure and organisation are the focal themes of the Mineral Kingdom. The problems of the mineral remedies and mineral ‘personalities’ arise from a break in structure and organisation.


This is defined as proud, arrogant, exalted in nature, disdainfully overbearing. Thinking of oneself to be in a high position, or having excess claim over something in comparison to others.

Plant Kingdom 

Staphysagria macrosperma. Indignation, pent-up wrath and suppressed anger and feelings manifesting as haughtiness.

The ‘haughtiness’ of Staphysagria, a remedy belonging to the highly sensitive Plant Kingdom manifests as strong indignation at the smallest of slights and as pent-up and suppressed wrath, anger and feelings. These are sharply contrasted by resignation and sheepishness, the inability to stand up for rights and feelings and poor self-image and poor confidence. The facade, as a means of self-protection and reaction to this state, is one of haughtiness. For Staphysagria, haughtiness is a way of adapting — a strong feature of the Plant Kingdom.

In Staphysagria we see great indignation at the smallest insults. A person may throw, or push, things away [Mind: throws things away]. Haughtiness emerges from this indignation as does the feeling of being scorned [Mind: scorn; ailments from].

Extreme sensitivity results in their being enormously touchy. We see haughtiness emerging if criticised and from the feeling of being too dignified to fight — even when one is right.

When the Staphysagria pathology progresses to a deeper level, there is the “illusion ‘as if’ all surrounding objects were lower, and the patient himself much taller than in reality.” [Dr J H Clark, MD]. There is a belief that others are humble and low while ‘he is great’ [Delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions: humility and lowness of others while ‘he is great’] as a compensation, or reaction, to supressed hurt and indignation. There is dignity and honour in Staphysagria and the feeling that ‘he should never lower himself’ to another man’s level.

Animal Kingdom

Lachesis muta. Haughtiness born out of improper self-love and from a search for an outlet to relieve.

Haughtiness as the need to compete and to be attractive, characteristics belong to members of the Animal Kingdom. This is beautifully illustrated in Lachesis.

The haughtiness of Lachesis is born out of deep narcissism, an improper love of self. Nothing is more prominent than Lachesis’ self-conceit, bolstered by a strong degree of suspicion, envy, hatred and seething passion, all strong characteristics of the Animal Kingdom. Lachesis is over-stimulation seeking an outlet for relief. It is a remedy that is entirely self-absorbed.

The haughtiness in Lachesis is a result of tremendous concern with and deep love of self. The self-centeredness of Lachesis is related to the remedy’s search for an outlet. When the energy and passion within cannot find a natural outlet for its self-expression, it turns inward for false relief as compensation.

Two physical symptoms, haemorrhage [Generalities, haemorrhage] and fluctuations in body heat [Heat, flushes of] corroborate Lachesis’ haughtiness. There is arrogance in the tendency towards haemorrhage, as tough Lachesis is making a continuous statement of its presence and its refusal to stop until satisfied. This is an indication of Lachesis’ constant need to attract as is necessary in the Animal Kingdom. The flushes of heat are a reminder of its seething always-present passion.

Mineral Kingdom

Palladium metallicum. Haughtiness from wounded pride, mortification and love of approbation.

Palladium is a classical remedy representing wounded pride, a state precipitated by a break in the expected order and structure — a strong feature of the Mineral Kingdom. Palladium seeks out the praise and approval of others [Mind: longing, the good opinion of others, for], and becomes haughty when it is not received.

The Palladium personality can easily feel neglected and, thus, wounded. They are haughty, because they crave attention. Their love of approbation — something they expect in their view of the order of things — leaves them vulnerable and more sensitive to slights, either real or imagined. This leads to the states of humiliation, hurt, pride and neglect, all compensated for by their haughtiness [Mind: egotism; ailments from]; [Mind: egotistical, haughty]; [Mind: egotistical, wounded, wishes to be flattered]; [Mind: flattery, desires flattery].

Do you know someone, someone you love, or is close to you, a family member, or a friend, as being haughty, albeit well-meaning, no less? No need to worry, anymore. Speak to a professional homeopathic physician for the best treatment outcomes — safely, and without side-effects.

Dr BARBARA ETCOVITCH is a Classical Homeopath, Interfaith Minister, freelance writer, and lecturer. She has a BA from Sir George Williams University, a MA in Literature from the University of Ottawa, Canada, and a Diploma in Classical Homeopathy from the School of Homeopathy, Devon, England. She was ordained by the All Faiths Seminary International in New York City in 2004. She has been in homeopathic practice for 30+ years treating human and animals alike, from her office in Montreal, Canada, and worldwide via Skype.

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