Food Is Medicine


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR 

It’s part of a heavily customised mental baggage we all carry. What’s more, the truth about good food, and nutrition, cannot be conveyed in a manner comprehensible to each of us on planet earth. Not because of the subject’s astounding complexity, claims, counter-claims, fads and myths, but also inasmuch as our cerebral pathway is blocked by way of coloured glasses — of enormously differing views of nutrition experts on whom we depend for an imponderable blend of convictions.

Not only that. We have, in the process, cultivated a habit of patronising a multi-billion-dollar diet industry that has grown into a devilish centaur, or hoax, albeit many of us know that ‘yo-yo’ diets don’t work. Worse still, they can harm. Add to that another fact — the biological make-up of men and women has not changed through the centuries — and, we are in a quandary.

This also makes it difficult for us to perceive and, at the same time, accept, why there are thousands of diet books in the market — what with the authors, and publishers, laughing their way to the bank. Not that we do not know the reasons: of objectives that are not too convoluted to understand. Diets just don’t work, and we have an in-built system to scour for a quick-fix — the more enthralling the name, or commercial hard-sell, the better. So, there we are, and we know it all only too well. That most of the current fad diets are not only dangerous, but also ridiculous.

In Balance Your Body, Balance Your Life: Total Health Rejuvenation, Edward A Taub, MD, the noted wellness physician, presents a revolutionary ‘road-map’ to nutrition, health, and well-being. He does not, of course, miss the essential component for the victual, and vice versa. His prescription is pure common sense — because, there’s nothing new under the Sun? Yes.

Food, he contends, is energy that nature provides to sustain us in good health during our entire personal human life-cycle — from birth to death. Says Taub: “We live in a diet-crazed culture; many of us are battling with our bodies. But, most of these weapons are just blunt knives. The only way to end the battle is to surrender to your body’s nutritional needs and wisdom. Your body knows exactly what it needs for nourishment, and it knows exactly how to achieve and maintain your personal optimal weight.”

He adds: “The way you think and feel about food, and the value you give to it, is not natural. We have learned to think of food as the enemy, and to see the refrigerator as a battlefield. But, food is not the enemy; it is your energy. Once you realise this, the refrigerator no longer has to be a battlefield; instead, it becomes a lively garden of health and vital energy.” In like manner, Taub shatters a host of food fables that perpetuates poor health and obesity. Besides, he introduces us to a wholesome, new world of natural foods — foods that literally revitalise our lives — including a Personal Wellness Retreat.

Taub’s work is, in essence, an integrated approach to good health. It combines the best of modern medicine with traditional spirituality, where health is mostly determined by our own personal responsibility, self-value, and reverence for life. To jump-start on such a voyage, Taub presents a practical eat-well-and-live-well programme, juxtaposed by his own prescription, the graceful dance of food energy in balance.

Taub calls it the Food Energy Ladder. He urges us to adhere to its top five steps: 1. fruits, vegetables, and water; 2. beans, and legumes; 3. olive oil, nuts, and avocados; 4. whole grains, high-fibre cereals, and brown rice; and, 5. potatoes, dark grain breads, and pasta. He urges the ‘good-foodie’ reader to constructively restrict, with equanimity, the not-so-healthy elements down the ladder, viz., 6. [some] fish; 7. poultry; 8. eggs; 9. beef, pork, lamb, and veal; 10. low-fat dairy products; 11. regular dairy products; and, 12. candy-sweets.

Taub also extols us to climb up the ladder together, step-by-step, “so that you understand why the foods are categorised as they are.” He adds: “Remember that the higher on the ladder you eat, the higher’s the food’s energy. And, the greater the energy, the ‘more fat’ you will lose.”

His bottom line: eat everything in moderation, including moderation.

Balance Your Body, Balance Your Life: Total Health Rejuvenation
Edward A Taub
Pocket Books
pp: 445
Price: ₹1,821.63

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360. 

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