Essentialis Medicāmentum

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR

The homeopathic physician aims to understand every individual patient’s unique features in health and illness. They also focus on their subject’s compass and radar to understanding contrasting, or different, levels of reactions, or responses, in the individual. This is in sharp contrast to a conventional, or allopathic, medicine physician, who invariably looks at the individual/patient in compartments, or segments — not as one, unified whole.

To treat holistically, one needs to know how healthy, or ill, one is, or was. This will enable us to determine what to expect from treatment and/or what each individual’s symptom-picture signifies.

To pick a fascinating example: homeopathy pioneered the research and treatment of allergies. A severe allergic reaction to bee stings is treated gently and effectively with Apis mellifica, a homeopathic medicine, made from honeybee. Picture this. It was the British homeopath, Dr C H Blackely, who suggested, in 1871, that seasonal sneezing and nasal surges were triggered by exposure to pollen dust, two decades before conventional medicine developed anti-allergic injections, or allergy shots.

A common cold treated with homeopathy, likewise, boosts your immune defences to a totally new level. In so doing, you’ll be able to overcome microorganic incursions of daily life on your own. There is nothing better than giving your immune defences the ‘push’ to fighting on their own. Our immune system is far too smart than powerful medicines — it is a quick learner.

The overall goal of homeopathic treatment is, thus, aimed to increase the level of your health to a new level. It enables us to be not so dependent on strong medicines at the drop of a sniffle, since your immune defences would respond to an obvious, or latent, threat quickly and effectively.

When illnesses turn chronic, the best thing to do is to seek the guidance of a professional homeopathic physician.

Research suggests that when individuals, with depression, for instance, develop a bad cold with high fever, their behaviour undergoes a sea-change for the better. This only means that if such folks are stimulated by an illness, they will be able to turnaround their more chronic, or long-standing problems — the hallmark of the homeopathic treatment approach. 

Beyond Bacteria: Correct The ‘Soil’ 

Homeopathy suggests that bacteria, or viruses, are not, in actuality, the only cause of disease/illness. These microorganisms actually trigger that shift and reside in the unwell organs and thrive in them. Think of worm infestations: of worms that feed on our ailing bowel. Or, Helicobacter pylori — which is triggered primarily by stress.

When Dr Louis Pasteur, PhD, came out with his landmark theory that bacteria were the real cause of disease, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of homeopathy, had advanced his idea of ‘murderous small entities’ affecting our health. This is, perhaps, one big reason why most homeopaths maintain that medical treatment should always strengthen our body’s inner workings, or defensive mechanisms, while flushing out illnesses out of the system — and, not just ‘deciminating’ the microorganisms.

To illustrate an example. When our body puts up a defence system, or check-post, at the level of tonsils, it provides ideal conditions for bacteria to reproduce. When an appropriate homeopathic remedy is given, it may not kill them. Yet, the fact is tonsillitis is controlled. The bacteria now depart, because our inner predisposition towards tonsillitis is removed. This is not all. The inner workings too get corrected, because the bacteria are deprived of the essential conditions to reside and/or reproduce.

Is this not reason enough why a healthy person is not as easily affected by bacteria, or viruses, as a person who is not healthy? Homeopathy helps us to become much more healthy than before — to drive out illness.

Homeopathy can help us in keeping ourselves healthy — from the inside out too. This is not just removal of apparent symptoms, or illnesses, that appear on the surface. It’s reaching deep down and eliminating the possible ’cause’ of lurking health problems.

Homeopathy, in simple terms, boosts our immunity, or defence, naturally; it can, therefore, keep prowling illnesses at bay. Or, also nullify them before they expand into full-blown symptoms. 

Lurking Illness: Listen To Body Signals 

We all tend to have certain body signals, just before we fall sick. An ‘itchy’ feeling in the throat, for example, with sniffles, before the onset of colds. This often responds to the homeopathic Hepar sulphuricum, provided the symptom-picture agrees with the remedy-picture. An abrupt onset of high fever, with the face hot and flushed, responds, likewise, to Belladonna. Or, a sudden onset of diarrhoea, with excessive bloating and gas, in the wee hours of the morning, forcing one from bed to Aloe socotrina.

All these are, of course, not serious problems, but they can upset our routine and rhythm. Worse still, they may sometimes ‘transform’ into heightened illness. If this is not inviting trouble, what is?

Homeopathy places a natural ‘firewall’ in our immune defences. It makes us better equipped to fending intruders, or beating them naturally, without the fear of unwanted ripple effects in our system.

To look at the other side of the scale.

Things only get worse when we have a low vitality. When there is extreme loss of vitality, bacteria move in — this may result in the inevitable.

We are all exposed to infections in the air. Just think of this commonplace spectacle. You dread to see someone sneezing away to glory in a bus, or train, as you head your way to office. As millions of viruses are sprayed into the air, you’d think you will catch the infection — a bad cold. By the way, when is a cold, good?

Everyone has breathed in the sneeze, as it were. However, in reality, just one, or two, may become ill — not several others who were around.

Course Correct The ‘Soil’ 

People who have an inner tendency towards catching the cold infection may get affected, because the offending virus finds ideal growing conditions, or ‘soil.’ This may not be the case with others, who are healthy. They ward off the viruses with impunity — without realising it.

What about contagious and epidemic illnesses, you may well ask. This is a good question. The fact, again, is that epidemics affect such people who have a latent, inner disposition towards the given illness. It cannot trouble others who have a strong immunity.

It cannot, likewise, affect your inner disposition to an illness if the ‘condition’ is removed with homeopathic remedies, or when the illness is cured with their use.

There’s also an additional advantage — homeopathic treatment ensures prevention.

On the other side of the continuum, when antibiotics are used to treat tonsillitis, for instance, only the bacteria get killed. Tonsils are your first line of defence — this now leads to a weak defence, as the tonsils are open to bacterial incursions.

The next time you get tonsillitis, you will need a higher dose of antibiotics, or more powerful antibiotics. This may lead to resistance to antibiotics. They may also not work now. It is a vicious cycle — a major drawback of conventional treatment [although it may be of good use in combating, or clearing, certain inveterate, tough, rigid infections].

When new incursions happen and when individuals are treated with higher doses of antibiotics, the bacteria may only die on the surface. However, some go down, sneaking-in through the weak fortress. They may now affect the bronchus and the lungs.

Most open-minded conventional physicians accept, albeit grudgingly, that bacteria become immune to antibiotics. Bacteria are extremely resilient folks. The plethora of chronic diseases, and other invasions, we are exposed and witness to today, is proof of this assertion.

To go back a bit. When antibiotics first came to the ‘rescue,’ we saw few illnesses around, all right. How things have changed today. Just visit any school in your vicinity. You will be able to see several children showing signs of some ‘chronic’ illness. — right from allergies, colds, bronchitis to allergic asthma, recurrent illnesses and also serious diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

This may be a reason, perhaps, why some erudite conventional physicians avoid the use of antibiotics at the drop of a symptom.

Now, the most important point: is this not reason enough for one to take safe and gentle homeopathic treatment early, or correct the ‘defective’ soil — and, prevent illnesses turning into chronic conditions?


The Power Of Resonant Energy 

Matter, as we all know, stores and radiates energy. Distilled — most often, double purified — water, or alcohol, the substance used to make homeopathic remedies is also matter — it stores wavelengths. All things produce their own wavelengths, and like a flower, each substance is unique. Research suggests that not only does water store wave lengths, it also stores some form of memory — albeit this idea is as controversial as also revolutionary.

Research in homeopathy suggests that double-distilled water, or alcohol, used in the preparation of homeopathic remedies maintains the memory, or reminiscence, of the substance diluted in it. This can occur even when repeated dilutions of 1:10 or 1:100 exceed the point at which no molecules remain in it.

It is, however, accepted when specific key enzymes, hormones, or tissues are activated, although marginally, in all living beings, macroscopic changes can occur. One classical theory that celebrates the idea is the theory of chaos, which states that even minute changes can have massive effects — while leading to harmonious effects, or outcomes.

In an article published in the leading conventional medical journal, Gastroenterology, it was suggested that small doses may be more effective than large doses because of a ‘therapeutic window.’ The article also stated that this is more likely to happen when an individual, or any living being, is in a state of ‘readied excitation,’ or is ‘raring and geared up,’ when a specific stimulus triggers a cascading, invasive effect.

It may also be said that the homeopathic ‘law of similars’ can provide the essential connect to finding a substance in nature which, when individually prescribed, can trigger this ‘torrent effect’ too.

Homeopathic research relates ‘potentised’ remedies to the power of resonance — where a symphony of tiny, small waves creates considerable changes. Call this a sort of natural resonance that impacts healing. In homeopathic parlance, this paradigm connects, no less, to the process of ‘stimulating’ remedial effects of a given medicine within the body.

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360.

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