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8 Steps To Success & Fulfilment

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Most successful people, we know, pursued their dreams, not just academics, or professions. This was, indeed, their ticket to success and eternal glory. Picture this. Most of our great, successful men and women never went through the 12-year educational ‘expedition’ our kids currently go through, along with their much-glorified percentage points.

Not All Interruptions Are Bad

Words: Dr Tim G SCHWEISFURTH Interruptions are an inevitable part of working life. Some last a short time — a phone call, an urgent task, or a colleague stopping by for a chat. While these can take a brief toll on productivity, extended interruptions, such as supply-chain issues, extreme weather, or machinery breakdowns, can have

Morning, Or Evening Type?

Words: Dr Stefan VOLK Are you a morning, or evening person? Studies show we have strong differences in when we feel most creative and do our best work during the day. These differences go far deeper than just personal preference. Whether you like to get up early [a ‘lark’], or go to bed late [an

The ‘Weisure’ Class: The Elusive Goal of Work-Life Balance

Words: Jennifer A BARTLETT Whatever happened to working from 9 to 5? Gone are the days in which we could just leave work at work. E-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter: we live in a continuously online culture in which we can always be connected to work not only in the workplace, but at home. If we

Don’t Worry. Be Happy

Words: Jawahar NIDAMBOOR Happiness is not the same thing as pleasure, or outward enjoyment. It is, in essence, deeper or even broader. As Helen Keller put it, “Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” Human happiness cannot exist

The Goleman Mantra

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Dr Daniel Dr Goleman, PhD, the noted psychologist and best-selling author, pioneered the concept of emotional intelligence [EI]. This bid fair to his ground-breaking book, by the same name. It was followed by his yet another landmark tome, Working with Emotional Intelligence. It set out a framework of EI that reflects

The Environment Connect

Words: Andreas CHAI When it comes to climate change, do you practice what you preach? While many of us express a strong concern about the issue, there tends to be a yawning gap between this concern and many peoples’ willingness to actually act on it by doing things like using less power, or petrol. Why

Civility Redefined

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR It would be too superfluous to say that the cause of civility enjoys token lip-service. In fact, impoliteness, or rudeness, has become a badge of individual growth. Get into the first-class compartment of any Mumbai local train, and you will know. You have smart, tie-sporting, sweaty executives, who sport more than

Up Your Turbo-Boost

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR You got it right. That trust is the core of our being — it is delicate like culture. However, it is, in other words, a palpable entity — one, we’d think of as possibly an extension, or outcome, that emanates from perceptible processes. Every literature, or culture, addresses itself to trust

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