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Dr Richard Firshein: My Guru

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Dr Richard Firshein, DO, is a renowned New York-based board-certified family physician, clinician, researcher, writer-editor, publisher, teacher, educator, in integrative/mind-body/nutritional medicine, as also anti-aging and precision-based medicine. He’s a gifted wordsmith too. He writes on health, wellness and specialised medical subjects, for the lay and specialist reader, with a dainty flourish,

Emote Well

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR For most of us being calm in the face of difficulty is tantamount to emotional maturity, or serenity. Emotional maturity, however, is more than what meets the eye and mind. It relates to a state that exemplifies being in control, or animated, being responsive, or receptive to others, and being protected

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