Beyond The Ear

Words: Dr Joette CALABRESE

Little Joey had his first ear infection. His bright red face and obvious pain put his mother into a panic mode, and although she didn’t want to, she felt she needed to get to the doctor to get a course of antibiotics for him.

The antibiotics worked great and cleared up the infection. But, a month later, Joey got another ear infection — even worse than the first. Another course of antibiotics followed. And, then, yet another ear infection.

Soon, Joey became one of those kids “who are just prone to ear infections.” The doctor has tried writing scripts for stronger and stronger antibiotics, but is now recommending having tubes put into Joey’s ears.

Many scientists now believe that the first three years of life are the most crucial for establishing a healthy gut microbiome. According to a study published in Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, “This is the period when the intestinal microbiota, a vital asset for health and neurodevelopment, is established and its alteration during this period has the potential to profoundly affect host health and development.”

Dr Ramnik Xavier, MD, PhD, Chief of the Massachusetts General Hospital [MGH] Gastrointestinal Unit, US, states that, “One of the key motivations of microbiome research is that the microbial population of early childhood appears to be critical to human health, and in that decreased diversity of the gut microbiome has been implicated in a number of allergic and autoimmune diseases.” 

Gut Microbiome

Disrupting the gut microbiome can have long-term consequences. This means that disrupting gut flora with antibiotics can have particularly severe and long-term consequences during those early years, when a child’s internal microbiome is still in a fragile state.

Disrupting the gut microbiome leads to gut problems, and because gut health is directly linked to immune health, immunity also suffers. Diminished immunity leads to recurring infections, autoimmune conditions and poor health in general. Poor health and lowered immunity usually mean more antibiotics, and, before you know it, you, or your child, is caught up in a vicious downward spiral.

And, that’s exactly what Joey’s mother now faces. The many courses of antibiotics that Joey had during his ‘terrible twos’ most likely disrupted his natural, healthy gut flora and set off a host of autoimmune problems such as allergic reactions to dust and cats.

Now, he can’t have gluten anymore without breaking out into eczema [atopic dermatitis] and hives. Dairy is making his tummy hurt. And, then there is the constipation.

Poor Joey is having a real tough time with potty-training, because of it; so, his paediatrician recommends Miralax. Dr Kaayla Daniel points out in a blog post that Miralax is a chemical that is also used as a toilet bowl cleaner. Why add something else into the mix that comes with its own complications to exacerbate the downward spiral?

Healing With Homeopathy 

So — if antibiotics are the root of the problem, what does it take to uproot the problem? Well, homeopathy, of course. For Joey’s ear infections, especially because they initially happened every time, one of his teeth came in and also because he was so irritable, Joey’s mother could have given him the homeopathic Chamomilla 200C every six hours. That would have been a safe alternative to antibiotics and uprooted his ear problems.

There are other good choices for ear infections such as Hepar sulphuricum and Pulsatilla nigricans, but if we can decode outstanding keynotes of the condition, we can better zero-in on the remedy choice.

The good news is now Joey’s mom has discovered homeopathy and learned more about how immunity is directly influenced by gut health. She’s taken my homeopathic learning course, ‘Good Gut, Bad Gut’ to learn how to reverse the antibiotic fallout that Joey is suffering from.

For instance, she has decided to address Joey’s food intolerances by using Calcarea carbonicum 200C, every other day. Calcarea carbonicum is great for improving immunity [when the immunity is clearly down], as well as helping with teething; so, this is a win-win remedy for little Joey’s situation. Plus, she might also consider Bovista 200C every other day, as it will also address his gluten and dairy intolerances over time.

Joey’s Mom Is Empowered 

Joey’s mom feels much more empowered because homeopathy has given her more control over the health of her child now, by addressing not only his infections when they recur, but by also addressing the damage that has been done. Dealing with a sick little one can certainly be very stressful for a mom, so when she gives him the Calcarea carbonicum, she gives herself Ignatia amara 200C, and while she’s at it… she gives her paediatrician the boot.

What if you can help your family avoid experiencing that whole cycle of antibiotic fallout in the first place by employing homeopathy instead of antibiotics — more so, before you, or your family, get stuck in that downward spiral of recurrent infections?

Get the point? Speak to your homeopathic doctor — today.

Dr JOETTE CALABRESE, HMC, CCH, RSHom [NA], is a distinguished American homeopath, public speaker, and author. This article is published with especial thanks to ©Dr Joette Calabrese.

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