Everyday Miracles


Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  I am privileged to be practicing integrative medicine during a time of revolution –– the Nutraceutical Revolution. Nutraceuticals are nutrients that have the capacity to act like medicines.  They are ‘natural’ pharmaceuticals. The real miracle –– nature’s power to heal — has always been available to us.  But, now science has

Vitamin E: The Smart Antioxidant

vitamin E

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN The existence of vitamin E was first uncovered in 1920, but Agnes Fay Morgan and her colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley are credited with the 1937 discovery of vitamin E’s special role in the body. While myriad studies have shown the promise of other natural herbs and supplements,

A Case Of Diabetes & Breast Cancer


Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  John, a thirty-seven-year-old executive, was rushed to the hospital after collapsing. When he regained consciousness, his doctors told him he suffered from a severe case of adult-onset diabetes. His blood sugar reading was 830, nearly 700 points above normal. For the rest of his life, he was told, he would have

A Case Of Diabetes & PMS

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN GL, a thirty-one-year-old interior designer with a bright future [and, a hot temper], was literally saved by magnesium. His job was extremely deadline driven and required fantastic precision as well as an ability to understand global trends. The first time he walked into my office, he told me that he’d already

Magnesium: The Smart Nutrient

Photo, Courtesy: Pexels

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Asthma is the epidemic in our time. Over fifteen million Americans, for example, now suffer from this devastating condition, and it is the primary cause of hospitalisation in children. We spend more than US$6 billion a year on asthma treatment and our solution so far has been the use of potent

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