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Healing With Drosera

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Drosera rotundifolia is the world’s only carnivorous plant, i.e., a plant which behaves almost like an animal. It is found in boggy places where it overpowers, smothers and decomposes insects by exuding drops of acrid, viscid liquid. Drosera is predominately a cough remedy, especially whooping cough, but offers much more because

Homeopathy For Monomania

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Monomania [Greek, monos, meaning ‘one,’ and mania, meaning ‘madness,’ or ‘frenzy’] is a form of partial insanity conceived as a single psychological obsession in an otherwise sound individual. There are several homeopathic remedies, which, in their ‘provings,’ exhibit a form of ‘insanity,’ such as monomania — a state in which the

Dealing With Reproaches

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathic analysis and prescription is an excellent way to address the energetic disruption caused when a particular personality type is reproached. As no two personalities are alike, there will be a different remedy for each, and homeopathic case-taking allows us to zero-in on the particulars of the personality and prescribe the

For Obstinacy

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The dictionary defines obstinacy “as persistently adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course; and, not yielding to reason, argument, or other means.” We have much to learn from the careful scrutiny of homeopathy which teaches us that labelling without careful analysis is misleading and limiting, and that ‘pigeonholing’ produces only a

The Myth & Zoology Of Lac Caninum

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH  We often see traces of mythology, botany and/or zoology reflected in the symptomatology of several homeopathic remedies. When the homeopath recognises such associations, it leads to a greater understanding of the essence of the remedy. It also makes it easy to identify its need in a given case. An excellent illustration

The Ferrum Effect

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The analysis of a homeopathic remedy is always fascinating subject. It reveals a myriad of characteristics associated not only with the substance from which the remedy is derived, but also with the historical, mythological and astronomical framework, which many homeopathic remedies embody. Ferrum metallicum is an extremely good and interesting example.

Remedies For Fits

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathy provides a number of useful remedies to treat convulsions [fits]. As with all conditions treated by its remedies, success depends on the careful matching of the symptoms the remedies can produce in the ‘provings’ on healthy individuals to those of the individual presenting with the complaint. The following describes Stramonium,

Acute Cough

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathy has proven its worth in a wide variety of illnesses, among them the prescription for acute coughs. As with all prescriptions, successful treatment depends on how ‘similar’ the chosen homeopathic remedy is to the symptoms exhibited by the patient. To illustrate this, 12 homeopathic remedies with their modalities and keynotes

First Quick Aid

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathic remedies used in dilution have far-reaching and astounding results in mental, emotional, and physical conditions. Homeopathic remedies used in mother tincture form are also of great value and though they may not target the deeper energetic planes, they do produce excellent results in a variety of external problems. The following

Homeopathy For Vacations

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The holidays are a time for celebrating with friends, colleagues and family and may include indulging in lavish dinners . When we eat and drink beyond our limits, all the holiday cheer may take a toll on our bodies. Fortunately, homeopathy can be of assistance in ‘curing’ the ills that come

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