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Essentialis Medicāmentum

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR The homeopathic physician aims to understand every individual patient’s unique features in health and illness. They also focus on their subject’s compass and radar to understanding contrasting, or different, levels of reactions, or responses, in the individual. This is in sharp contrast to a conventional, or allopathic, medicine physician, who invariably

Conscious Divergence

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Consciousness is something that exists in its own identity. It may, therefore, be construed that it is quite distinct from all other objects, processes, energies, and even realities, the physics of science would reveal. More so, because, physicists do not mean anything that constitutes the substance — and, what is meant

Of Allergies & Acid Reflux

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR YK, a 29-year-old accounts manager, was troubled by allergies since age nine. This used get worse in summer. His key symptom was frequent, violent, erratic sneezing, with watery discharge. He could never think of doing away with his tissue paper and handkerchief. The skin under his nose was sore, also red.

Of Harmony & Balance

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Ayurveda is a holistic, also natural, system of medicine. It originated in India over 3,500 years ago. The word, Ayurveda, is derived from the Sanskrit, ayur [life] and veda [science, or knowledge]. It also corresponds to ‘knowledge of life.’ Its précis is keyed to the fact that ‘dis-ease’ is caused by a certain imbalance, or

Each Moment A Spiritual Experience

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR The most-oft asked question, for ages, is why troubles come to good people who don’t break the rules, or even if they do, they make sure that they don’t upset someone’s emotional applecart. Troubles cause as much distress to good people as it does to others, including those that are witness

Osteoarthritis: Healing By Design

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Osteoarthritis is a bone-joint disorder. In a purely literal sense, it simply means inflammation of one, or more, joints. Here is everything you wanted to know about the disorder, but did not ask. There are several forms, or types, of arthritis. It is estimated that there are over one hundred, or


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Constipation defies precise definition. It usually implies a reduced stool frequency and the passage of hard small stools. It may also be considered, on empirical terms, as occurring when defaecation is inadequate and infrequent to cause the sufferer both discomfort and alarm, or induce recourse to self-medication, not to speak of

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