A Complex Chronic Case

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER

This was a 52-year-old gentleman who had presented with kidney failure. His ‘creat’ levels were high, and there was albumin in the urine. There was also glucosuria. Decades ago, he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and had been treated with multiple medications throughout his life. He spent several years in a mental hospital, but he had been on Lithium for 18 years straight and, at the time I took the case, he had a few other health problems, for example, he was on thyroid medication for an underactive thyroid, and so forth.

So, looking at the whole case, the first thing that was done was to make a chronological history of his background. The chronological drug history is also important because the first and most blatant drug that needed to be looked at was Lithium. Lithium treatment, it turns out, can produce kidney failure beginning with an increase in blood creatinine levels. So, this was a significant drug, and the effects weren’t limited to kidney failure. By now the kidney failure had also produced high blood pressure, so this man was also on blood pressure medication. This was a complex chronic case. The most recent medication that had been added was a diuretic. He decided to go off of the diuretic feeling [he did not need it], having never had any significant oedema [swelling], and we cleared for the effects with that same drug in the 30C potency, three doses a day, for three days in water, in the drop dose. He also had been on several other less important medications, i.e., for insomnia, etc. In the subsequent weeks, gradually all current medications were removed and their effects cleared, in the protocol previously mentioned.

For a brief time, he needed to be on Viscum album tincture, because the blood pressure was somewhat high, and we did not want to risk harming the kidney. Viscum album worked for him. It is much less toxic than most blood pressure medications. It works when the increased blood pressure was caused by stress, something I considered to be at least a part of the case. After 3-4 follow-ups over 12 weeks, there were also personality symptoms that were taken into consideration, so the personality very much matched that of a hyper, overconfident person, and also a very selfish person.

‘Shot’ History

He had a history of multiple flu shots containing mercury, CT scans, chest X-rays, a tetanus shot, pneumonia shot, hydrocortisone shots, medications for a rash, and more. He took pharmacodes for these in reverse order over the next several weeks — each substance in potentised form [as mentioned above] in order to remove the suppressions and new disorders [both latent and visible] these agents produced, starting with the most recent first.

After this clearing treatment was completed, there was much improvement in his overall well-being — all symptoms had improved except the insomnia. You can tell right away when you see a chronic patient like this — that they feel better overall after we get through even just a small part of the clearing process. It confirms they were suffering from a drug disorder[s]. The remedy Cocculus was chosen now to cover his insomnia and Natrum muriaticum was chosen because there was still a certain amount of depression and the symptoms seemed to match. They were given in alternation in Q potencies while the clearing took place. This was a more normal depression, not the kind you see after rebounding from a manic episode. He would take Natrum muriaticum 1Q in the morning, then three doses of whatever clearing remedy he was doing for those three days, and then Cocculus 1Q at night before bedtime.

On his third follow-up, it was clear that Cocculus was not helping the insomnia, but his joy of living had returned. He was much better, had much better energy and he actually noticed on taking his blood pressure daily that his blood pressure went up first and then down. Another month later, he discontinued the Viscum album tincture. He did not feel he needed it anymore. He had long discontinued Atenolol [the high blood pressure drug] and his blood pressure was normal. He noted that the rash, for which he had originally taken hydrocortisone, disappeared after he discontinued Atenolol and took the clearing remedy for it.

After several months, his mental state overall had clearly improved. There was no sign of the manic personality that was still very much present when I first met him. He seemed relaxed and contented with his life. He continued to work with his psychiatrist without telling him about his homeopathic treatment. He never even told him that he was discontinuing the medication.

Personality Type

The first five months were all good news. All exposures were gradually cleared in the fashion mentioned above. It was pretty clear that the underlying personality was that of a very dominant person. He had several characteristics that were of interest. On the one hand, he had the symptoms of Lycopodium clavatum and, on the other hand, he also had the well-known symptoms of a cancer diathesis, very much those of the remedy Carcinosinum, which is known for a gentle disposition, hypersensitive to emotions, fear of criticism, suspiciousness, perfectionism, etc., and all of this was there. Yet, at the same time, there was this other part to him, this overconfidence and dominant personality. So, I chose two remedies to add to the daily doses of Natrum muriaticum, Lycopodium and Carcinosinum.

Lycopodium was given daily in the morning and Carcinosinum daily, at night, both in ascending Q potencies [Natrum at lunch]. By that time, there was nothing more to clear as far as medications were concerned. He had even cleared all of his childhood vaccines. There were no eventful follow- ups for the next two months. He just went up after every ten days to the next higher potency level of daily doses of Lycopodium, Natrum, and Carcinosinum. His creatinine had not gotten any worse, whereas, prior to treatment, it was gradually getting worse. So, now over a period of 4-5 months, he had no longer seen any physical symptoms and it was noted that some of the old symptoms had returned. If you are familiar with Hering’s Law, this is another confirmation that we were moving in the right direction.

At this point, symptoms of the original kidney problem returned, with pain and weakness, and the creatinine suddenly went back up. Rather than taking this as a bad sign, I felt like this was the time to now give the Lithium carbonicum again, even though it had been cleared once already at three doses a day, for for days in the liquid 30C potency. I now used the Q potencies, one dose daily for ten days, then moving to the next higher potency. Within a month, the creatinine levels stabilised while personality symptoms continued to improve. There were mild bipolar symptoms, off and on, which I did not address with anything other than steady dosing with Lycopodium, Natrum and Carcinosinum, a regular, daily dose of each over time. The thyroid improved on the homeopathic Lithium. In other words, thyroid tests returned to normal. The thyroid medication was the only one he had continued to take. Even after two thyroid tests found the levels to be normal, he had continued Synthroid. After several months of feeling low energy he finally decided to try getting off of Synthroid completely. He took the pharmacode to clear for its effects. His energy levels improved significantly.

After more than two years of homeopathic treatment it was clear that this treatment had successfully stopped any further deterioration of the kidney. At this point the patient was told by his doctors that he should be prepared to go on dialysis and suggested a port should be installed. At the time he started homeopathic treatment, creatinine levels were over 5, I believe. He levels were now near 3, or slightly below. He declined the port.

At this same time, his mother died, causing a crisis in his financial situation. He discontinued treatment, against my urging for him to continue at least another six months to solidify even further the improvements in the kidney and personality disorder. I never heard from him again. This is a case that you generally could say is difficult, if not incurable. Under treatment, he had not needed dialysis and was basically in good health. He hadn’t had any more manic-depressive episodes, and I think as far as the manic depression was concerned it was likely cured. As far as the kidney disease was concerned, it had stabilised. I do not think that this level of damage to the kidney can be recovered completely. But, in this case, we will never know.

Dr MANFRED MUELLER, MA, DHM, RSHom [NA], CCH, a homeopath of international repute, began his formal homeopathic studies in 1979. He opened his homeopathic practice in Durham, North Carolina, US, in 1986, where he practiced for 18 years, before moving to Southern California. Today, he travels extensively, taking appointments via telephone with clients across the globe. Apart from pioneering ‘The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy,’ Dr Mueller is also a generalist with special interests in oncology, cardiology, neurology, mercury and heavy metal chelation, hyper-sensitivities and allergies, aside from other complex chronic disorders. This article is ©Dr Manfred Mueller.

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