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Remedies For Fits

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH

Homeopathy provides a number of useful remedies to treat convulsions [fits]. As with all conditions treated by its remedies, success depends on the careful matching of the symptoms the remedies can produce in the ‘provings’ on healthy individuals to those of the individual presenting with the complaint.

The following describes Stramonium, Nux vomica, Ignatia amara, Helleborus niger, Cina, and Belladonna — remedies most frequently used to address the condition.

The Stramonium Convulsion

Stramonium is a remedy of terror but lacking in pain and one in which we see horrible distortions of the face. The convulsion can be brought on by bright light and dazzling objects.

The patient can be rigid as a board with a flushed face, pupils wildly dilated with hot and dry skin. The convulsions are violent, involving every muscle of the body and the patient can remain conscious.

The convulsions occur rapidly with twisting of arms and lower limbs. Between spasms there is laughing and crying and the patients may throughout grasp at imaginary objects.

The Nux Vomica Convulsion

The Nux vomica is a convulsion with consciousness and is worse for the slightest touch which renews it. It is, however, better for a tight grasp. Anger may bring on the state and an aura which commences in the solar plexus may precede it. There are spasms and tetanic rigidity of nearly all the muscles with relaxation for only a few minutes. There is relief by forcible extension of the body.

The head is drawn back, the teeth are clenched, heels are fixed to the ground, eyes protrude from their sockets, and the face is red and the eyes are closed.

Spasms begin in the muscles of the lower extremities. When out of the convulsion, the patient is very irritable.

The Ignatia Convulsion 

Ignatia is one of the best remedies for twitching, spasms and convulsions which come from grief, or exciting, strong, or depressive emotions, fright, etc.

We see twitching of muscles, especially those around the eyelids and mouth. The patient stiffens out and is seen to come out of the convulsion with a succession of long-drawn sighs, a keynote of the remedy.

Convulsions alternate with oppressed breathing and there may be attacks of cramp, sometimes with anxiety. There can be fits of suffocation. The head is thrown back. The face may be blue, or red. There can be spasms in the throat and there is a loss of consciousness. There is foaming at the mouth, frequent yawning, contraction of thumbs and involuntary movement of limbs. After the convulsion, there is profound sighing, or drowsy sleep.

The Helleborus Convulsion

In this convulsion, a sudden shock is felt which passes like lightening from head to toe as the spasm comes on. There is no marked stiffness. The head is thrown back slightly and we see repeated oscillation of the slightly protruded tongue which moves from right to left. There is a staring look and convulsive rolling of the eyes upwards if the paroxysm are violent. There are a few acute cries and also drowsiness when the spasm ends. During the convulsion, the patient remains perfectly sensible. A small interruption can stop, or shorten the spasm.

Convulsions come with extreme coldness of the body, except for the occiput which is hot.

The Cina Convulsion

These are convulsions of the extensor muscles. The patient becomes suddenly stiff and there is a clucking noise ‘as if’ water is being poured out of a bottle.

There is jerking and twitching of the limbs and violent spasms. Distortion of the limbs — the patient stretches the feet out spasmodically. The convulsions are especially seen at night with, or without, consciousness. The back bends backwards. There is violent movement of the hands and feet and tetanic stiffness of the whole body which is worse for external pressure.

The Belladonna Convulsion

Convulsions follow violent emotions, anger etc. Cerebral symptoms are prominent. The head is hot, the face is flushed and bright red, and the carotids throb. The patients starts from sleep in terror. We see wild straining eyes and spasms of the glottis. There is foaming of the mouth which smells of rotten eggs.

Convulsions are violent. There is distortion of the body in every conceivable manner. Opisthotonos [spasm of the muscles] predominates.

In puerperal cases — i.e., during, or relating to, the period of about six weeks after childbirth — the woman is unconscious and each pain re-excites the spasm. In-between, she tosses about, moans, cries, or lies in a deep sleep.

In teething children, the gums are swollen and the mouth is hot and dry.

Dr BARBARA ETCOVITCH is a Classical Homeopath, Interfaith Minister, freelance writer, and lecturer. She has a BA from Sir George Williams University, a MA in Literature from the University of Ottawa, Canada, and a Diploma in Classical Homeopathy from the School of Homeopathy, Devon, England. She was ordained by the All Faiths Seminary International in New York City in 2004. She has been in homeopathic practice for 30+ years treating human and animals alike, from her office in Montreal, Canada, and worldwide via Skype and WhatsApp.

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