Dealing With Reproaches

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH

Homeopathic analysis and prescription is an excellent way to address the energetic disruption caused when a particular personality type is reproached. As no two personalities are alike, there will be a different remedy for each, and homeopathic case-taking allows us to zero-in on the particulars of the personality and prescribe the most indicated remedy.

There are several remedies that work well for ailments from reproaches in different temperaments, and among them Staphysagria, Stramonium, Opium, Colocynthis and Ignatia amara often stand out.

Staphysagria [Stavesacre]

Staphysagria, with its combination of suppressed emotions, sensitivity and inability to confront a hurtful situation can be easily upset by reproaches. This is exacerbated by Staphysagria’s tendency to carry a good deal of their own guilt and propensity to reproach oneself.  Extremely sensitive to hurt and easily wounded, Staphysagria’s reaction of anger and resentment steadily builds up, but remains supressed. Their inability to talk back, or stand up, further adds to the mounting anger. Reproaches continue to feed the fire within, and Staphysagria that has learned to be humble, passive and sweet is a poor candidate to cope with them.

Staphysagria becomes sad and irritable after an insult and manifests a great deal of indignation about things done by others. Such personalities also often feel mortified and grieve over the consequences following the situation. It is a remedy that is extremely sensitive to the least impression, to being scorned, to rudeness and is easily hurt by a wrong word.

Stramonium [Jimson Weed]

Stramonium produces a wild, violent, out of control and destructive mental state. Uncontrolled eruptions of consciousness lead to violent and aggressive behaviour. There is great turmoil and excitement in the remedy. Stramonium is animal-like and raging, threatens to kill and must be restrained. The remedy, like the flower, explodes like a hand grenade, scattering black seeds of death.

The mind becomes befuddled, overpowered by stupor and the loss of rational control. Stramonium is no person to reproach. They react to being vexed and angered. They are excitable after and from bad news.

Stramonium is intolerant of contradiction and anxious in the presence of strangers. They may be cheerful and alternately have a burst of passion with violence. This unpredictability combined with a predisposition to violence and intolerance of contradiction makes a Stramonium too dangerous to reproach.

In Stramonium we also see the delusion, or impression of danger. There is the delusion that they will be murdered and that they are pursued by enemies. They also exhibit pangs of conscience and often believe that they are dishonest — this makes them more sensitive to reproach. 

Stramonium is fearful of strangers and others reproaching them. They can manifest a substantial increase in strength when in a heightened state, while showing great rage and fury after insults — when there’s no one to provoke them with a reproach.


With its deranged sense of judgment and deception regarding the state in which they exist, the Opium patient is unable to accurately assess a reprimand and accordingly will suffer adversely from reproaches. Opium also suffers from ailments after anger and vexation and is angered by contradiction. Reproaches will excite them. Throughout there is an inability to judge and perceive correctly due to the Opium stupor. Opium suffers from the effects of fright since judgment has been impaired. The state will be aggravated by reproaches since the remedy lacks courage, is easily frightened and unable to accurately judge a situation.

Opium also produces ailments from mortification, another state reproaches may trigger.

Colocynthis [Bitter Cucumber]

The bitter cucumber is irritable and unsociable and doesn’t grow well around others. The Colocynthis is similar — bitter and irritable from the pains, and shows a desire to be alone and not bothered. The remedy is easily affected by everything. There is a strong emphasis on indignation which explains why the remedy is sensitive to reproaches.


Ignatia’s extreme idealism renders this remedy easily influenced by reproaches. The Ignatia patient may have high expectations of himself, or herself, and set high standards. They can become severely disappointed in oneself and others and be easily hurt. These tendencies make the remedy vulnerable to reproaches, or slights.

The remedy is further aggravated by an intolerance of contradiction and has a tendency to brood. This mingled with its conscientiousness about trifles renders Ignatia extremely sensitive to reproaches.

Dr BARBARA ETCOVITCH is a Classical Homeopath, Interfaith Minister, freelance writer, and lecturer. She has a BA from Sir George Williams University, a MA in Literature from the University of Ottawa, Canada, and a Diploma in Classical Homeopathy from the School of Homeopathy, Devon, England. She was ordained by the All Faiths Seminary International in New York City in 2004. She has been in homeopathic practice for 30+ years treating human and animals alike, from her office in Montreal, Canada, and worldwide via Skype and WhatsApp.

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