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‘Consistency Is Everything’

Dr Anusha BICHALA responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire. 

Your view on beauty?

Beauty has got nothing to do with a pretty face, or ravishing countenance. It is, in my view, a pristine expression — the balanced visage of your inner and outer simplicity, kindness and distinctiveness of who you truly are and what you genuinely emote. I would measure anyone’s beauty quotient with how you conduct yourself, or treat people with compassion and understanding, or brazen insensitivity. Ayurveda believes that true beauty is composed of three vital elements — 1] a well-nourished body; 2] a balanced mind; and, 3] being a peaceful individual, in word and deed. Put simply, your outer beauty is the mirror image of your inner health and well-being; also, vice versa.

Your view of health and wellness?

Health and wellness go hand-in-hand. Health, to use WHO’s famed precept, is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of and make choices towards a balanced, also successful life, not just existence. According to Ayurveda, anyone can enjoy a healthy life by following certain timeless tenets, viz., dinacharya, or regular daily regimen, ritucharya, or seasonal routine, and sadvritta, or code of conduct for good mental health and social behaviour. They are, in tandem, vital cogs in the prevention of disease, as also maintenance and promotion of ‘ideal’ health.

Your ‘take’ on fitness? 

Fitness is directly proportional to a healthy lifestyle, good health and being physically and mentally fit. One can attain physical fitness through exercise and mental fitness through yoga and meditation. Ayurveda suggests that proper physical activity impacts not only our body, but also our mana [mind], indriyas [the senses], atman [spirit] and emotions. Early morning practice of fitness gives optimal results, as this is the time of the day ruled by kapha dosha and infused with stability and strength that also, in turn, aids inherent lightness and mobility. My simple ‘take’ is to exercise any time you are comfortable with — preferably on an empty stomach, or with a light nourishing snack, to attain consistency. Once you attain consistency, you would be able to derive the best there is from exercise.

Your ‘take’ on work-life balance? 

Work-life balance is, in essence, the sine qua non for success, not only at work, but also home. Most people today are enormously busy with their work. They tend to neglect their personal life and health — this leads to stress at home and the workplace. The key point, yet again, is consistency, as also discipline. Any progress that comes from motivation is tangible and long-lasting. You need to prioritise things, not ‘label’ everything as important. Scheduling your next day, the previous night, improves your quality and productivity of work — it creates peace and harmony at home too. Starting the day early will help to bring just the right balance to your work-life and life-work.

Your mantra to beat stress?

My mantra to beat stress is music and good, healthy, balanced food. Having a lively conversation with family will always be my ‘first line of defence’ to beating stress. Each of us has their own way to beating stress. While someone may beat it through dance, others could just as well use friendly tête-à-tête, or exercise their way out of stress. Everyone’s different. Though planning your day the previous night may help you ease stress, carrying professional stress into your personal life will only inflate stress. The best thing to do is not to speak of your professional life, or tensions, when you are with your family. You ought to use your quality, ‘me-time and family-time,’ with your loved ones, as also laugh and purge your ‘blues’ away.

ANUSHA BICHALA, BAMS, is an intern @ Anantha Laxmi Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Warangal, Telangana, India.

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