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Homeopathy For Vacations

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The holidays are a time for celebrating with friends, colleagues and family and may include indulging in lavish dinners . When we eat and drink beyond our limits, all the holiday cheer may take a toll on our bodies. Fortunately, homeopathy can be of assistance in ‘curing’ the ills that come

The Pillow, Pocket & Room Dose

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV This article is keyed to focus primarily on certain ways to take remedies that I came to, on my own, over the years of my practice. I refer you to the article ‘How to Take Homeopathic Remedies’ for information about the traditional approaches. My intention with this article is to bring

16 Reasons To Love Your Homeopath

Words: Tracy D KOLENCHUK  Love your homeopath because your homeopath is a rebel like you, supporting medicines that work.  For love. Love your family, love thy neighbour, and love your homeopath. Even if you don’t need a homeopath now, your aunt, your grandmother, or grandchild might. The decision to love your homeopath expands your future

Detox In 7 Steps

Words: Barbara CRONIN Detoxification is the elimination, or neutralising, of toxins in the body. It’s a normal body process that works through the liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph, blood, colon, and skin. It’s also one of the body’s most basic, natural functions. High amounts of toxins in the environment bombard our bodies. Our elimination systems are

Ayurveda: Medicine Of The Future

This is the edited version of the essay that won the Third Prize in ThinkWellness360 Essay Writing Competition 2022 for Ayurveda Medical College Students.  Words: Bharti KOTWAL Ayurveda is, perhaps, the completest system of medicine — all by itself. It aims at living a healthy way of life. Ayurveda is an age-old science keyed to a holistic understanding of

Ayurveda: Medicine Of The Future

Words: Dr Ravina Nagesh DALVI This is the edited version of the essay that won the Second Prize in ThinkWellness360 Essay Writing Competition 2022 for Ayurveda Medical College Students.  Ayurveda is one of the most ancient, also traditional, systems of medicine. Its origins could be traced to the Vedas. It is considered as the upaveda of Atharva Veda. Ayurveda

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