B Vitamins: Good For Your Heart

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN It is reported that more than 15 million people die of heart disease annually. This will continue to ‘ring out’ its death toll until we accept the whole truth — that high cholesterol alone is not the ‘root’ cause. In fact, many people die from heart attacks and coronary artery disease

Oestrogens: What’s Good & Bad

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN You’ve heard of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. Just as there is good and bad cholesterol, there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ oestrogens. Bad oestrogens are responsible for the promotion of tumours; they are found in high proportions in synthetic oestrogen used in birth control pills, or prescribed for the ‘treatment’ of menopause.

CoQ10: The Biochemical Sparkplug

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN CoQ10 [Co-enzyme Q10], a naturally-occurring substance that our body produces, is more than a biochemical sparkplug. It is a nutraceutical found naturally in the body. It helps to convert food into energy. It is a powerful antioxidant. It tends to deplete as we age — especially after 40. So, one ought

Summer Treats

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Dawn Perry, a personal chef, cooking instructor and certified holistic health counsellor has put together a list of wonderful recipes that are filled with powerful nutraceuticals. Dawn was trained at the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. Each of the delicious

Flaxseed: The Supernutrient

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Flaxseed has actually been a part of the human diet for thousands of years. It has a rich history of use. Four thousand years ago, in southern Mesopotamia, citizens constructed irrigation systems primarily for the growth of flax, and the plant was cultivated in Babylonia, Circa 3,000 BC. The famed philosopher-physician

Nutrients For Asthma: Part-2


Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Selenium and N-acetylcysteine [NAC] help the body produce glutathione, one of the most powerful free-radical fighters produced by the body. Glutathione is crucial in protecting the body from destructive by-products of many chronic illnesses, including asthma. It is found throughout the body but in higher levels in the lungs and the

Nutrients For Asthma: Part-1

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Many people use the words vitamin and supplement interchangeably. Technically, this is inaccurate. Supplements can be broken down into vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and a host of other compounds including bioflavonoids and isoflavones. I will focus on the relatively small army of researched Nutrients For Asthma that can help

The Quercetin Effect


Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Allergies can be as wide-ranging as the world itself. Perhaps, the most common form is allergic rhinitis, the technical name for sneezing, coughing, runny nose, watery eyes, and itchiness that many of us experience every year. The seasonal pollination of trees, grass, and weeds distributing airborne allergens varies little from year

Silymarin: Your Liver’s Best Friend


Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Milk thistle is my centrepiece in restoring the healthy functioning of the liver. It not only protects the liver from damage, it actually stimulates the growth of healthy new cells. Amazingly, studies have shown that this humble herb can reverse liver damage, protect against hepatitis and cirrhosis, speed recovery from jaundice,

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