Up Your Mind’s Window

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR

All of us have our dreams, ambitions and goals. While some of us are expressively explicit about them, others are not as eloquent — for a host of reasons. Put simply, the whole context, on the one hand, may be a result of humility and, on the other, a consequence of sheer shyness, conservatism, or cultural upbringing. Defining your mellowness, or maturity, is, likewise, another idiom — on either side of the spectrum. It is powered by the scale of your learning, or life experience. It is nothing short of emerging wisdom — which first begins when one accepts emotions as the ‘totality’ of one’s understanding, along with the ability to learn at every step. It also adds credence to one’s ‘cause’ with a certain ‘effect’ — of owning a sense of responsibility for outcomes, big or small.

Leading, and not just living, an emotionally mature life provides us with the capability to perceive, not just observe, things as they are. It bids fair to realising our psychical connectedness with oneself and also others in addition to contributing our humble bit to the community. It opens to us the whole process of self-discovery without self-aggrandisement, pomp, shame, fear, or guilt.  It gives us the wherewithal to think of ourselves as we are — not what one wants to project, or pretends to be. This endows us with an uncanny ability to sing and dance to our own tune — not others’ tune — and, feel fulfilled. In other words, learning takes us to a higher plane, where we are able to articulate our opinions and concur with others without being subject to bias.

All creative individuals — especially those who are true to their creative talents — carry such a mode of thought in their mind, heart and soul. They are able to express themselves, because they are not overcome by embarrassment, or discomfiture, when they fail. They learn from their failures and embrace success as and when it comes — without expecting too much in the form of recognition, or rewards. They do not also feel awkward when their talents are not acknowledged. They toil, come what may. In so doing, they reveal not their pride, but passion, or fundamental intent to be their own selves — not what others want them to be.

Nobody ever asks us whether we are projecting our true selves, or pretentious while presenting our talents, or just too nervous ‘showcasing’ our innate abilities, or aptitude, for the sake of being modest. It is a given that one should quietly ‘emote’ one’s interests, desires, talents and also shortcomings — because, there is a limiting factor in all of us, whether we are average, above-average, brilliant, or genii. The more we try to conceal ourselves behind a mask, the more ‘misty’ we will be to ourselves and others. The least we can do is to let others know who we are as we are. This will lead to a greater possibility for us to attracting others with analogous, or common interests.

What does this signify? That the more you ‘let go’ of your fear, you will let others know you more than ever before. This will, in turn, open up your and their mind’s window — so much so, they will want you to know more about them just as much as you would want to know more about them. The whole progression ushers in a new sense of relationship. Once this reaches a higher plane, your psyche begins to ‘emote’ the emotive side of your personality as a true reflection of your soul, while bringing renewed joy, acceptance, appreciation, warmth and love for oneself and all fellow beings.

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360.

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