Homeopathy & Immunity

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR

When one embraces a tolerant position, they would sure discern that immunology and the whole of contemporary biology, in general, may provide a substantial influence, also insight, to the understanding of homeopathy in a context that is not diverse from the conventional perspective. In other words, this is tantamount to saying that although it is true that some of the most reductionist molecular outlines of modern science are eventually discordant to, or with, the systemic quintessence of homeopathic thought, it is by the same token true that several other credos are also flawlessly companionable.

As Dr Paolo Bellavite, MD, Professor of General Pathology at Verona University, Italy, puts it in his perceptive paper, Immunology and Homeopathy, published in Evidence Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine [December 2, 2005 {4}: 441–452], “We now have the results of studies that have used homeopathic remedies under well-known experimental conditions, as well as conventionally produced experimental evidence indirectly explaining homeopathic phenomena.”

He adds, “The current scientific literature contains a substantial body of evidence and examples that may provide new insights to improving our understanding of the principle of similarity and the action of small [or, highly diluted] doses of medicines, particularly on the immune system and host defences. These studies document and may clarify some of the specific aspects of the biochemical regulatory mechanisms possibly underlying the observed paradoxical phenomena. The ‘simile’ — brought back to its biological meaning of the inverted, or paradoxical, effects of the same, or similar, compounds — can operate under a number of experimental and reproducible conditions. Within the framework of our current knowledge of living systems and modern investigational techniques, it will be possible to reformulate the ancient principle with the aim of constructing reasonable models that can be tested at different biological levels, from cells to human beings.”

Natural Medicine

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that treats the total symptom-picture — physical, mental and emotional. By matching the appropriate homeopathic remedy to the individual constitution, or personality, of the patient a homeopathic remedy is often able to restore order in a disordered state and help the body return to its own unique, immune, or systemic balance.

Homeopathy takes into account not merely the given individual’s symptoms, but also immunity, and the mind-body connect. A child with jaundice, for instance, who’s cheerful and is nurtured by a caring, helpful family has a much better, or early, chance of recovery than an unhappy child with skin eruptions.

It is a fact of life that people living in a natural environment stay healthy. They wake up in the morning, have a simple, balanced, nutritious breakfast and go through a long workday without complaints. They don’t ‘gobble’ pills; on the contrary, they spend every moment ‘training’ their immune system without actually focusing on it.

Blame it on changed lifestyles, junk-food, stressful living, and lack of exercise, our immune system seems to have taken the backseat — not the driver’s seat. Although our body has the resilience and the innate ability to return to its upright position, in spite of the assault from outside forces, it can’t always turn things around every time.

It needs help.

When your immune system is strong and in top gear allergic illnesses — to highlight one classical example — is foreign to you and also your system. This is one reason why your endocrine system becomes strong. When illness strikes, the balance is disturbed. However, homeopathy enables us to correct the imbalance and achieve a harmonious state. Naturally.

When our immune system, for instance, identifies a protein foreign to the system, it produces antibodies to push the illness out — much before it can cause damage. Such self-regulating activities occur without our understanding; albeit they are not tangible. What guides such ‘organising’ principles, or immune defence, that runs us all — from our internal mechanisms to our resident bio-clocks — is difficult to observe directly. What is ‘established’ is a fundamental principle that guides our body to live, think, eat, digest, reproduce and move. It is this defence mechanism that helps our body to fending off raiding organisms. It keeps all our internal biological functions running efficiently. Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD [1755-1843], father of homeopathy, called this the ‘vital force,’ or principle — in modern parlance, it is called immunity.

The Value Of Symptoms

Symptoms are the body’s attempt to treat itself. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the immune system to assist the body in repairing any imbalance.

Agreed that a hyperactive immune system, for instance, can cause autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis [RA], where the body starts attacking its own cells. A deficient immune system, likewise, leads to deficiency illnesses; they may sometimes lead to more serious health conditions too.

Homeopathy can correct and boost one’s immunity with a suitable remedy that corresponds to and with the ‘symptom-picture’ of the given individual.

  • Nux Vomica is a remedy that best fits energetic, fun-loving, and ambitious individuals
  • Sulphur is useful for impractical individuals
  • Pulsatilla is useful for shy, kind and gentle individuals who are always ready to be led, rather than lead
  • Arsenicum Album is indicated in tense, or anxious, individuals who are extremely worried about their health and also future.

The use of a suitable homeopathic remedy strengthens the immune system because it treats the individual from the inside out — in so doing, it also helps to increase the body’s capability of and for self-healing. This is where homeopathy varies from conventional medicine in which one medicine is made to ‘fit’ all — although each individual personifies their own unique individualism, behaviour and temperament.

The bottom line is simple, also profound — our body functions on the foundation of a dynamic balance. It is this balance that helps direct all bodily functions in life. This is called homeostasis. In other words — keeping things static, or constant. This is what homeopathy aims at and treats, when there is imbalance in the system, or compromised immune defence.

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360.

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