Homeopathy: Always In The Equation

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV

I had an interesting experience. I went to a class with a master qi gong teacher, because I was curious to learn from her. I had studied t’ai chi ch’uan and qi gong for eleven years with the late Sophia Delza from 1979 to 1990, and I have been practicing what she taught me ever since. She was one of the greatest blessings to me in my life. I have to thank the universe for connecting me with this great teacher. I also have to thank the universe for bringing me to homeopathy. I am doubly blessed. Actually, I can count a multitude of blessings.

At the conclusion of the teachings by the qi gong master, she offered healing sessions to students present. One by one people came forward and she asked them what they needed healing for. Each person ‘offered’ one complaint to be healed. The teacher had a strong intuition, so she did her best to bring relief of that one complaint in about 4-5 minutes of time per person.

Finally, I could not hold back the following comment, and I did ask my atman, if it was okay for me to say what I needed to say. I was given the go ahead. My comment was that you have left the person out of the equation.

You do not know anything about the person’s emotional state, their health history, their concomitant symptoms, or their family background. In other words, you haven’t investigated who this individual is. How can you treat someone whom you do not know, or have not tried to understand? One of the other attendees chimed in, yes, you do not know their astrology, their family constellation, and their past lives. This person investigates things at a different level from the way I do.

I was in the end extremely grateful to the qi gong master for her demonstration and the workshop, because it made me fully conscious and aware of how important it is to know the person you are treating. You cannot leave the person out of the equation.

Most, if not all of us, have had the experience of going to a conventional doctor specialising in some modality. We formulate our presentation to the practitioner according to what we assume is relevant information for their specialty. For example, if I am going to an ear nose and throat specialist, I will not tell them about the problems I am experiencing with my digestion, or my heart, or my menstrual cycle, or my knees. I tailor what I tell them to what I believe is their level of knowledge. Again, the person is left out of the equation.

I will endeavour now more than ever not to leave the person out of the equation. As a homeopath, I am not a specialist. I am a generalist. There is no piece of information that is not valuable to me. There is no piece of information that is irrelevant to what I need to investigate and what is needed by the patient.

You, as the patient, do not have to dumb down your message to me to suit what you perceive is my level of knowledge, unless you are talking about astrology and past lives of which I have little knowledge.

Here is my plea with regard to this. When you present your story, your history, your experience to your homeopath, may they see you as a whole person, and be interested in the entirety that is you, and only you. May you partner with your homeopath in the journey and experience of healing and restoration of health.

Dr DEBORAH OLENEV, CCH, RSHom [NA], is a Classical Homeopath based in Mountain View, California, US. She treats people from all over the world via phone and video conferencing. Dr Olenev has had a passion for homeopathy for nearly forty years and has been in private practice since 1991. She has a vast knowledge of homeopathic Materia Medica, and integrates homeopathy with herbal medicine too. She is the owner of First Aid Cream, where she teaches about and sells homeopathic first-aid creams. She has several years of experience treating autistic children and people of all ages for all manner of health conditions.

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