Dentistry: Healing With Homeopathy

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV

Hold Arnica montana 12C, or 30C, and Ledum palustre 12C, or 30C, in your pocket, when you have dental work done. Why do this? Arnica is good for shock and trauma and controlling bleeding. Ledum is good for puncture wounds, such as you get when the dentist administers anaesthesia, or drills in your mouth. This tiny little hint can make your experience in the dental chair much easier than expected, and hasten your recovery at home.

Use Calendula officinalis tincture, or the 12C, 30C or 200C strengths, of the remedy to help heal your mouth after a dental extraction, filling, drilling, or any other work. You can dissolve a few drops of Calendula tincture in warm water and soak a gauze pad with it and put it on the site of the dental work a few times a day for two days. If you do not have the tincture at home, you can use Calendula in any potency you have at home in place of the tincture.

X-ray Exposure

One of our biggest exposures to X-ray radiation happens when we go to the dentist. We also get X-ray exposure when we travel and walk through the scanning devices at the airport. There are things we can do to reduce the negative impact of this radiation, which adversely affects the pineal gland, and who knows what else?

First of all, make sure that the dentist protects you with a lead apron and neck covering. What you can do homeopathically to clear your system from the X-ray exposure is to purchase Radium bromatum 12C, 30C or 200C, and/or X-ray 12C, 30C, or 200C. These remedies can help reverse the negative effects of radiation therapy. You do not have to take the remedy orally. You can just put the remedy vial that you have chosen in your pocket and leave it there for half an hour, or an hour, or however long you feel that you need it intuitively, and it will do its healing work. This is what I call taking a Pocket Dose of the remedy, which is one of my favourite ways to bring people, including myself, under the influence of a remedy. The wonderful thing about it is that it works.

Protecting From Exposure To Fluoride

I am extremely sensitive to fluoride, and had a very serious fluoride poisoning experience when my dentist did a routine dental cleaning for me about seven years ago. it took me a very long time to recover my health after that. I have a new dentist now and I told him and the office staff that I am allergic to fluoride in order to make sure that they don’t expose me to it. They were amazed that this could be the case, because they believed that fluoride is safe to use and is non-toxic. To me. this is pretty darn amazing. Fluoride is one of the most controversial substances known to man, rivalling cannabis in its controversial use. There is information on its toxic effects going back generations, so why don’t dentists know about this. I believe it is because they bury their heads very deep in the sand [That’s not to say that I don’t love my dentist].

I have heard that fluoride is found in excess in the pineal gland, which is a very important endocrine gland for many reasons, including sleep regulation. Its spiritual function in the body is crucial, and one of its central spiritual functions is to give people a sense of connection to others, their family, and themselves.

It is well known in homeopathy that the remedy Fluoric acid causes people to lose the feeling of connection to family. Adolf Hitler used to fluoridate the water in Germany, because he knew this, and it assisted in destroying the moral sense of the people, and dissolving family connections. Here, we are, in the United States, doing exactly the same thing. There is no paucity of information on the Internet on the negative effects of fluoride. You can also find information, saying that it is the greatest thing on earth for the teeth. So, where is the truth? The fact that there is a controversy means that fluoride is not something innocuous like a pear, or an apple. It is something that has a dark side, as well as a light side.

What about the connection between fluoride and bones? Can the long-term use of fluoridated toothpaste, and drinking fluoridated city water have something to do with the prevalence of osteoporosis? It is worth thinking about. Your dentist is not going to know about any of this, so don’t count on your dentist to be concerned about your overall health outside of their craftsmanship in the office.

What you can do to protect yourself is: do not use fluoridated toothpaste products. Use a water filtration system that filters for fluoride. Ask your dentist to clean your teeth without fluoride. Refuse the dental polishing stuff that the dentist will offer, because this has fluoride in it.

Protecting From Dental Anaesthesia

I had to have teeth pulled recently, and I asked the oral surgeon what anaesthesia he was going to use. He wanted to use two different anaesthesia drugs: lidocaine and another drug. I never use anaesthesia when I have dental work unless it is something quite serious, because I don’t like the way I feel when the anaesthesia wears off. It puts me in a dark space that usually takes about three days to clear off. I wanted to avoid that happening this time, so I asked the dentist to give me the anaesthesia to take home, so that I could turn it into a 12C homeopathic remedy. This is exactly what I did, and I am happy to say that it worked. I did not have the negative emotional effects I have gotten in the past from anaesthesia.

It is very simple to turn any allopathic drug into a potentised homeopathic remedy. The reason to do this is that the drug is the crude form of the substance. The homeopathic version is the highly dilute, potentised form of the substance. The potentised form will cancel out the negative effects of the crude form.

Here is how I potentised the anesthesia:

I put a 1/4 of a tsp of both anaesthetics into a 4oz amber glass jar and filled it with filtered water up to where the bottle bends inward. Then I put a book down on a table and covered it with a mat, so that I wouldn’t damage the book. Then I succussed the jar by banging it against the book 40 times [I chose the number 40, because I didn’t have the strength, or stamina, to do it 100 times]. Then I took the jar into my yard and poured out all but about 1/4 of a teaspoon of the water in the jar. I had created the 1st centesimal dilution. Then I refilled the bottle the same way as before and repeated the above process 12 times. It took me about half-hour to do this. It was well worth it to spend that  half-hour, because it saved me from three to four days of sinking into a dark depression from the mental effects of the anaesthesia.

Homeopathy For Chronic Problems Of Teeth & Mouth

There are many homeopathic remedies that we can turn to for chronic problems with the teeth and the mouth. The list is vast, but I will mention the most prominent ones below. These remedies can be used for acute pain in the teeth. They can also be used on constitutional indications to try to prevent dental decay.

When trying to select a remedy for chronic dental problems, remember that you cannot separate the mouth from the owner of the mouth. When the attention, however, is forced to the mouth due to pain, then grab the hints from wherever you can get them.

Here are some places to look:

  • Appearance of the tongue
  • Appearance of the teeth
  • Sensitivity of the teeth to hot and cold
  • The time of day when the pain occurs
  • The modalities of the case. Modalities are what makes the symptoms better, or worse
  • The mental and emotional state of the patient.

Calcarea Fluorica. This is good for premature decay of teeth in children. Also think of Kreosotum. Loose teeth and pain at the roots of dead teeth; discoloration of the teeth with white chalky stripes. Cracked and fissured tongue; inflammation of the gums. Affections of the salivary glands. This remedy has great anxiety about money.

Calcarea Phosphorica. This is a big remedy for headaches in school children. Slow dentition in children, premature decay of teeth. It has lots of symptoms pertaining to the mouth, tongue and gums.

Hekla Lava. This remedy is fabulous for severe pain after wisdom tooth, or extraction of other teeth. It also has premature decay of the teeth in children. Abscesses at the roots of the teeth. Pain after fillings. Abscesses in the gums. Tumours in the mouth.

Hepar Calcarea Sulphuricum. This is very good for dental abscesses. The patient often wants a heating pad on the face when they have dental pain. Teeth feel elongated, or loose. Pain when biting teeth together. Pain aggravated from cold drinks. It has all manner of dental pain. Fistula on the gums, pustules on the tongue. Inflammation of the salivary glands. Aphthae. Abscess of the tongue. Tongue cancer. Fissured tongue. Haemorrhage of the gums. Touch aggravates. Swelling of the gums. Syphilitic affections of the mouth.

Hypericum Perforatum. Complaints after dental extraction. Dental nerve injuries. Stitching, shooting, stinging pains. Lacerated tongue. Slimy mucous.

Mercurius Solubulis, Or Mercurius Vivus. These remedies have slight differences. They are not interchangeable. Mercurius is a wonderful remedy for abscesses.  Often, there is sensitivity to hot and cold, and there may be a vibe of infection, such as a bad smell from the mouth. Dental caries. Slow dentition. Black, grey, or yellow discoloration of the teeth. Elongated sensation. Haemorrhage. Inflammation of the dentine. Inflammation at the roots. Teeth jammed, or crowded. Looseness of sound teeth. Pains alternating with vertigo and tearing in the limbs. Pains aggravated at night. Pain in bed. Pain from chewing. Pain from eating and drinking. Rubbing the cheeks ameliorates. Pain with involuntary flow of saliva. Pain with swelling of the cheek. Warmth of the bed aggravates. Pain extending to the face and the ears. Jerking pain at night. Pressing pain. Mouth cracked and fissured. Teeth detached from the gums. Edges of the tongue can be red and black. All manner of discoloration of the tongue. Flabby tongue. Inflammation of the tongue and salivary glands. All manner of ulcers. The list of symptoms is long. This is the central remedy of the syphilitic miasm in homeopathy. What does this mean? Basically, the patient is in the midst of destructive tendencies, which this wonderful remedy can help turnaround.

Silicea Terra. This is another remedy that is good for dental abscesses, infection at the base of the teeth, like Hepar. This has many constitutional indications. Premature decay of teeth in children. Slow dentition. Abscesses at the roots. Crumbling teeth. Elongated sensation. Complaints after extraction. Loose teeth. Dental fistulas. Pain drinking hot and cold. Pain from chewing. Tooth pain after suppressed foot sweat. Tooth pain with swelling of the teeth. Pain ameliorated with wrapping the head. Pain extending to the ears and head. Teeth detached from the gums. Abscesses of the gums. Tongue cancer.  Hairy sensation of the tongue. Viscid saliva. Tumours in the gums. Paralysis of the tongue. Ulcers and Aphthae. Silicea is one of the most commonly indicated constitutional remedies.

Spigelia Anthelma. This remedy is good for trigeminal neuralgia, or when the pain in the teeth gets severe and radiates to the ears and eyes, or to other areas. Raising head from the pillow ameliorates. Aggravation lying on the right side. Pain aggravated by tobacco smoke. Cracked tongue. Burning vesicles in the mouth. Stitching pains in the tongue.

Staphysagria. This is known as the surgeon’s friend in homeopathy. This is a big remedy for ailments from suppressed anger. Early decay of teeth in children. Crumbling teeth. Discoloration, black. Dwarfed, or cupped teeth. Pain after eating. Sensitivity to hot and cold. Tooth pain during menses. Tooth pain in nursing mothers, or during pregnancy. Pain extending to the ears, eyes, face, head, and inward. Pain in hollow teeth. Tooth pain of many descriptions. Nodosities of the gums. Necrosis of the gums. Warts on the tongue. Tumours. Ulcers.

Symphytum. Injuries to the teeth from falls, blows, sprains.

All of these remedies are much keyed to the area of the mouth and teeth than I am indicating. I have chosen what symptoms to mention. I hope such hints will help you heal quickly from your dental procedure and maintain, also sustain, the health of your teeth, mouth and overall wellness.

Dr DEBORAH OLENEV, CCH, RSHom [NA], is a Classical Homeopath based in Mountain View, California, US. She treats people from all over the world via phone and video conferencing. Dr Olenev has had a passion for homeopathy for nearly forty years and has been in private practice since 1991. She has a vast knowledge of homeopathic Materia Medica, and integrates homeopathy with herbal medicine too. She is the owner of First Aid Cream, where she teaches about and sells homeopathic first-aid creams. She has several years of experience treating autistic children and people of all ages for all manner of health conditions.

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