The Belief Dimension

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR

Belief is essentially the feeling that helps you go through your actions and on to successful completion of goals. But, for belief to entrench, you must first have faith in yourself and be able to direct any outcome.

To begin with, you need to have a clear understanding of trust, nay faith, in yourself, and your abilities. This will help ensure that your success is chanellised in your ambitions, goals, dreams, career, and also the life you long for, and wish to live, design, and invent, for yourself.

You may just as well ask: what is faith, in the first place. In simple terms, faith is the automatic belief, or a principle, that does not need corroboration, or verification. It’s something that you have complete trust in — one that is far more than what constitutes a plain idea.

First Steps

You need to ‘copyright’ something you can focus your attention on, to start with. This is called as wanting — or, what is often described as desiring, longing and/or yearning.

You may also think of it as enquiring, or requesting, for what it is you want it for.

You should also remember to focus on the needs and be in tune with the feeling of the desire itself, and to find out for yourself how strong that feeling is.

If your feeling is strong, so will be your desire. A committed desire, focused on belief, makes your feelings strong; it also motivates you to reach your goals faster. It will help you convert your dreams into reality — a reality you will be able to achieve with a natural feel. This is, indeed, a feeling that won’t look regimentalised. However, if you don’t get into the perimeter of such a thought and also action, you will reach nowhere.

It’s, however, possible for all of us to have a strong desire for some things, and less for others. This is easy to comprehend — your desire may be more intense for things you need like money to pay your bills, or buy grocery, or provisions.

There are also many levels of desire. For instance, a desire for good health is one thing. On the other, making your marriage work would be another. This is also one that is far greater than longing to go on a holiday, buying a new car, or piece of furniture, or stereo system.

You may, in so doing, discover that all of us have more desires for things we genuinely need rather than for comfort that all of us would sure want, or long for.

Interestingly, as you start to ‘patent’ or ‘zero-in’ on things you need, you will realise that the comforts that make life more pleasurable will also emerge.

Things to Do

For all your images and desires to turn into reality, you need to first know for yourself how strong the nature of desire you manifest is. This is, of course, a question only you can respond to. It is also something that may relate itself to your individual history. Also, if you look at something you made happen in the past, somehow — because, you knew that you’d made it happen with that typical gut feeling — you will sure gain confidence as to why you can sure make it happen again.

This is also reason enough why building your own list of desires is not as difficult as it sounds. For a start, though, you may try to —

  • Make a catalogue of all the reasons you have for yearning whatever it is that you wish for
  • Assign yourself into the future and envision how channelising your desire will change your life for the better. Also, observe how many other areas of your life will be influenced by this driving thought
  • Have precision to your mission. How sturdy is your aspiration, or whether it is what you really need, or just want? How significant it is to you, your life, or what purpose of your life goals does it provide for? Also, ask yourself whether, or not, it resolves any of your problems, or, quite simply, makes your life any better
  • Most important — you need to answer your own questions honestly. Else, your desire will remain a mere desire, not a happening thing.

Making Dreams Come True

It’s rightly said that intense desire alone can make dreams come true. This intensity also expands when you have faith in your desire. Faith is belief, yes — and, conviction is the cornerstone of belief itself. While it is agreed that we are all entitled to have a conviction that certain things are true, or real, a strong belief in what you desire when manifest will give you the strength to hold on until it reaches fruition.

It would also help your cause a great deal if you have a deep feeling of knowing, more so by using motivational statements “I know I will be relaxed and energetic,” or “I know I will create financial security.”  They sound simple, but they have a profound effect on your psyche.

Belief is everything — that you believe you can do it is belief. It’s a positive feeling. It brings positive connotations.

Likewise, if you say that you don’t believe in something is also a belief — that you don’t believe in something. The idea is not a negative feeling, but if it is related to what you feel, you can achieve, but think that you can’t, you will not be able to achieve it.

It’s only when you believe that everything is possible would you be able to develop a sense of knowing that it is going to happen, and also work. It gives you a sense of anticipation — and, when you expect your desire to become a reality, you will have the full conviction to enable your desire to manifest itself into being a happening thing.

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360.

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