For Obstinacy

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH

The dictionary defines obstinacy “as persistently adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course; and, not yielding to reason, argument, or other means.” We have much to learn from the careful scrutiny of homeopathy which teaches us that labelling without careful analysis is misleading and limiting, and that ‘pigeonholing’ produces only a limited understanding of a state, or condition.

Homeopathic analysis also prevents one from erroneously putting a stamp on states that differ from person and person. It shows us that there are unique characteristics within the ‘label’ too.

The following is a differential analysis of the obstinacy in Alumina, Argentum nitricum, Arnica montana, Calcarea carbonicum, and Nux vomica.


The intelligence of the Alumina personality is slowed and so confused that they are unable to make a decision. The individual struggles to express, and can’t find the right words, resulting in a delayed response that can be seen as obstinacy. Alumina cannot get it together to produce a response. The judgment is disturbed; they may brood. They may desire to stay in bed and are intolerant of contradiction and stubbornly indisposed to talking since they are aggravated by conversation. They also fear losing their senses — this makes them defensive and, consequently, stubborn, or obstinate.


The mental faculties of Argentum nitricum are weak, while the emotions are overly strong and easily excited. This imbalance leads the individual who readily acts on any idea which happens to cross one’s mind — no matter what it is. The obstinacy of Argentum arises from this state of inequity. This personality is driven to follow any idea and stubbornly does so. They try to cover up much of this foolish behaviour which makes them appear all the more obstinate. They may also be adamantly opposed to anything that is being proposed; they often talks of one subject only.


Arnica’s obstinacy is exhibited in its desire not to be approached, partly because the individual does not wish to talk and partly because they do not wish to be touched due to pain. When sick they are extremely opposing, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the doctor, while refusing to admit that there is anything wrong with them. They also can refuse to answer and be contrary, defiant and quarrelsome.


The mind of Calcarea is weak and unable to sustain prolonged mental activity. The state is brought on by an exhausted mind and the lack of ability to think connectedly. Calcarea is obstinate about eating [food on the plate can’t be touched]. They can be indisposed to talking. Their mind is compelled to dwell on little things which cannot be put aside. There is just ‘one-track’ that never stops, while convincing them that they are crazy which reinforces their stubbornness. Calcarea is void of mental depth, and driven by emotions; conclusions are drawn from emotions rather than the intellect. Conclusions are formed about things as they want them to be and they are unable to accept any sort of argument too. 


Nux vomica possesses an abundance of the normally beneficial qualities of ambition and conscientiousness. They begin to be ruled by both and are driven by ambition to over-emphasise achievement and competition. These traits render them extremely obstinate. They are irritable with a fiery, zealous temperament and function in a manner that pleases only themselves. They are competent and inclined to demand their own way. They are fault-finding and critical, explosive, quarrelsome and stubborn in their opinions. Obstinacy is exhibited as well, just as much as authoritarianism and preoccupation with neatness, precision and efficiency. They are meticulous.


Each of the homeopathic remedies described exhibit their own, unique brand of obstinacy. A complete and accurate understanding, under the guidance of a professional homeopathic physician, is needed in order to resourcefully prescribe the most similar remedy. Becoming caught in ‘labels’ merely serves to limit the ability to successfully decipher the unique characteristics and essence of the most suitable homeopathic remedy — for each individual, or patient.

Dr BARBARA ETCOVITCH is a Classical Homeopath, Interfaith Minister, freelance writer, and lecturer. She has a BA from Sir George Williams University, a MA in Literature from the University of Ottawa, Canada, and a Diploma in Classical Homeopathy from the School of Homeopathy, Devon, England. She was ordained by the All Faiths Seminary International in New York City in 2004. She has been in homeopathic practice for 30+ years treating human and animals alike, from her office in Montreal, Canada, and worldwide via Skype and WhatsApp.

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